An online poster circulated within ISDEV fratenity to remind all of Brother Ibrahim's viva voce later that day. |
The Movement Control Order (MCO) that is in place has not hampered or dampened the scholarly pursuit of the lecturers and students at the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student, Brother Ibrahim Musa Gani, had the opportunity to be the first in ISDEV to face his viva voce online. The appointed day for his much anticipated viva voce was scheduled on Wednesday 22 April 2020 at 2:30 pm.
The online viva voce session in progress. In the top - right corner is ISDEV Director, Dr Shahir Akram while next to him is
the Chairperson, Prof. Dr. Professor Hairul Nizam. |
At the appointed hour, Brother Ibrahim who was all set to respond and answer the bombardment of questions or comments from the panel of examiners, was ready in all aspects - physically, spiritually and intellectually. Brother Ibrahim, from Nigeria, pursued his PhD thesis research on the relationship between the development of Islamic financial sector to that of economic growth in Malaysia.
Another view of the online viva voce taking place. In the Top- centre is Assoc. Prof. Asmaddy from USIM. |
His panel of examiners consisted of the Chairman, Professor Dr. Hairul Nizam Ismail from the School of Educational Studies, USM while the external examiner was Associate Professor Dr Asmaddy Haris from the Faculty of Economy & Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). In the meantime the two internal exmainers were Dr. Nailul Murad Mohd Nor from the School of Distance Education (PPPJJ), USM and Dr Murni Yusoff from ISDEV, USM. His two supervisors, Dr Azreen Hamiza Abd Aziz and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zakaria Bahari were also present in the online viva voce session. Dr Shahir Akram Hassan, ISDEV Director was also present throughout.
The online mock viva taking place. |
As usual, going online does not hamper ISDEV's tradition of conducting a mock viva a day before the scheduled viva date. In embracing the new normal, its the virtual platform used for the mock viva session which is a closed one with only Brother Ibrahim's two supervisors allowed to participate as well as other RISDEV students.
The announcement made regarding the mock viva. Dr Azreen Hamiza, Ibrahim's main supervisor, chaired the meet. |
Another ISDEV tradition of performing nawafil solat hajat prior to a RISDEV student's viva, was also observed. The only difference, in this new normal, instead of performing it together as a congregation (jemaah), a gentle reminder (as stated in the poster above) was sent to all ISDEV fraternity encouraging each and everyone to perform the nawafil prayer that morning in the comfort of one's place - wherever that maybe.
ISDEV members sending positive messages to Brother Ibrahim in the morning of his viva. |
Alhamdulillah and Congratulations Brother Ibrahim Musa Gani you have definitely made it!