Prof Syukri delivering his Keynote Address. |
The Founder of Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh was in Bandung, Indonesia from 1 May until 5 May 2019. Prof Syukri was there to fulfill the invitation from Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA).
A group photo taken for the Seminar Nasional SDGs |
On 2 May, 2019, Prof Syukri was given the honour to deliver the Keynote Address to the audience at the Seminar Nasional SDGs Dalam Masyarakat Islam di Asia Tenggara (National Seminar on the Accomplishments of SDGs for Muslims Society in Southeast Asia). The seminar was held at Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Cirebon, Indonesia.
Prof Syukri donned a special attire before visiting the Makam Sunan Gunung Jati. |
In the afternoon of the second day, Prof was given a treat to visit the much revered Makam Sunan Gunung Jati (or Syeikh Shariff Hidayatullah) and later the Kraton (palace) built by Sunan Gunung Jati. Prof, led and guided by Ibu Ratu Mawar, daughter of Sultan Cirebon, was given the privilege to be near and close to the grave of Sunan Gunung Jati situated at the peak of the hill. It was an honour to Prof, as in contrast, the public could only visit the grave from afar.
Prof Syukri with Ibu Ratu Mawar (centre). |
The third day was research day. From Cirebon, Prof was brought to Sumedang to conduct the field work on the Islamic Sustainable Development Planning in Muslim Society in Southeast Asia project that was headed by Dr Atih Rohaeti, Deputy Rector II of UNISBA.
The FGD, conducted by Prof Syukri and Dr Atih, taking place at a hall in Sumedang. |
While in Sumedang, Prof did not miss the opportunity to interview a few staff of Baitulmal wa Tamwil that provides Islamic Micro-Finance/Credit services.
Prof Syukri interviewing a few staff at Baitulmal wa Tamwil. |
During dinner on the third day with the Rector of Universitas al-Ghafiri (UNFARI), Dr Didin Muhafidin, Prof Syukri took the opportunity to discuss smart network cooperation between ISDEV UNFARI and Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Bandung. The Letter of Intent has been signed by both the representatives of these two institutions.
With Dr Didin Muhafidin (left), Rector of UNFARI. |
It was back to academic for Prof Syukri on his fourth day. Before the start of his lecture to UNISBA students, Prof Syukri paid a formal visit to the Rector of UNISBA, Prof Dr (Juris) Edi Setiadi to discuss further collaborations on ISDEV-UNISBA.
Prof Syukri with the Rector of UNISBA. |
Prof. Syukri gave a lecture to UNISBA undergraduates of Development Economics who were all students of Deputy Rector II, Dr Atih and Ade Yusrita Mafruhat (an ISDEV, USM Alumni member).
UNISBA students giving their full attention during Prof Syukri's lecture. |
Prof Syukri provided a lecture regarding poverty from the Islamic-based development management perspective. His lecture consisted of the analysis centered on today's diabolical stand between eliminating poverty and managing poverty.
Expressions of gratitude and gratefulness after listening to Prof Syukri's lecture on poverty
from the Islamic-based development viewpoint. |
As usual hearts are touched upon listening to Prof Syukri's lectures especially when knowledge is given and shared from a very analytical viewpoint transforming information that is known into new knowledge, enabling and motivates the seekers of knowledge.