ISDEV Lecture Series with UCB |
On 13 April 2018, ISDEV had successfully organized two ISDEV Lecture Series on
Pengalaman Pembiayaan Wakaf di Universiti College Bestari (UCB): Cabaran dan Halangan and Islamic Banking Operations: Issues and Challenges . The programme is resulting from the signing of an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti College Bestari and good networking between ISDEV, USM and Bank islam Malaysia Berhad. The programme was divided into two sessions and took place at Lecture Theatre A (DKA), USM.
An inspirational thought and experience shared by YM Professor Dato' Dr Haji Tengku Mahmud Mansor, accompanied by Vice-Chancellor of UCB, Prof Ab Aziz Yusof and Associate Prof Dr Zakaria Bahari |
In the morning session, the founder of UCB, YM Professor Dato’ Dr. Haji Tengku Mahmud Mansor is honoured to share his experiences in developing UCB through Waqf funding. His lecture received overwhelming audience from ISDEV fraternity as well as staffs from other schools and department in USM. YM Professor Dato’ Dr. Haji Tengku Mahmud is a prominent scholar with wide experiences in politics and non-governmental organization (NGO) involvement. This ISDEV lecture series resulting from the signing of an MoU between ISDEV and the UCB.
ISDEV Lecture Series with Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad |
Furthermore, in the afternoon session, the lecture series continue with the lecture by the Chief Shari'ah Officer Bank Islam Malaysia Bread, Ustaz Mohd Nazri Chik. This lecture outline the issues and challenges faced by Islamic banks and provide a better understanding on its operation as a financial and investment intermediary in meeting its ecumenic objectives. This lecture is also part of the Ilmu knowledge series by Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad.
Knowledge sharing session, Ustaz Mohd Nazri Chik shared the Issues and challenges on Islamic Banking Operations from the Shari'ah perspectives. |
Overall, the lecture series had indeed provided satisfactory information to all queries and apprehensiveness pertaining to the two issues tackled by both speakers. ISDEV expressed our gratitude and hope that this series is able to continue in the near future, Insya-Allah.