ISDEV Graduate Discourse for April was held for two consecutive weeks which were on 14 and 21 April 2017. Six RISDEV students were involved in the graduate discourse in presenting their PhD final draft thesis and proposals in front of ISDEV fraternity.
Maizatul Mazwa is very passionate in explaining her point for her PhD proposal |
The first Graduate Discourse was held on 14 April 2017 at Dewan Kuliah A (DKA), which involved three RISDEV students presented their thesis proposals. The first candidate was Maizatul Mazwa Mazlan with her Ph.D thesis proposal titled "Kaedah Tarbiyah Rasulullah SAW untuk Latihan dan Pembangunan Dalam Pengurusan Insan". Maizatul Mazwa is supervised by Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad with Dr. Azrin Ibrahim as her co-supervisor. Her proposal is focusing on using the Tarbiyah of Rasulullah SAW as the method for training and human development.
Shahirah Said is ready to share her problem statement in her Ph.D thesis |
The second candidate on that day was Shahirah Said with her Ph.D proposal entitled "Falsafah Sains Halal Dalam Al-Quran: Kajian Tafsir Al-Mawdu'iy". Shahirah Said is currently under the supervision of Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi and her co-supervisor is Dr. Mohd Syahmir Alias from School of Humanities, USM. In her proposal, the topic focused on how to examine the understanding of the concept of philosophy of science based dietary beliefs of the Al-Quran. It is important to secure the position of the Al- Quran which serves as a strengthening of faith, law and morality of human beings.
Well Done! - Nurul Farhana Yahaya during her presentation of her Ph.D research proposal |
The third presenter was Nurul Farhana Yahaya. Her thesis proposal entitle "Perwatakan Manusia Dalam Tamthiliyyat Al-Quran: Kajian Tafsir Al-Maudhu'iy". Her thesis proposal focused on human character scrutinized by the parable found in the Al- Quran and analyzed using the interpretation of Al-Maudhu'iy. Nurul Farhana is currently under the supervision of Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi. Both Maizatul Mazwa Mazlan and Nurul Farhana Yahaya proposal's were evaluated by Dr Shahir Akram Hassan while Shahirah Said's proposal was evaluated by Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad.
Norazilawati presented her thesis proposal with full of confident |
The Second Graduate Discourse was held on Friday 21st April. 2017 at Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine (INFORMM), USM, The discourse was chaired by ISDEV lecturer Dr. Wan Norhaniza Wan Hasan. On this day, another three ISDEV’s Ph.D candidates presented their Ph.D theses' proposal and draft thesis. The first candidate was Norazilawati Md Dahlal was under the supervision of Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad. She presented her thesis proposal titled 'Konsep Pengurusan Kualiti Makanan Halalan Tayyiban' where her topic focused on the construction of a comprehensive concept of food quality including the technical aspects and the Islamic spiritual. Her final thesis was evaluated by Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi who gave his approval for the to proceed with the submission of thesis draft.
Nurul Izza Abdul Aziz jotting down points from her examiner during her proposal presentation |
The second candidate was Nurul Izza Abdul Aziz. She is supervised by Dr. Fadzilah Azni Ahmad. Her thesis proposal titled "Kualiti Kesejahteraan Kakitangan Wanita Berteraskan Islam: Analisis Berdasarkan Sirah". Her study is focused on achieving the welfare quality of working women in Islam based on the story of women in the time Prophet Muhammas PBUH. Her thesis proposal was evaluated by Dr.Azrin Ibrahim who gave her approval for the proposal to proceed with the research.
Road to submission - Nur Ilani Mat Nawi presented her Ph.D draft thesis |
The third presenter was Nur Ilani Mat Nawi. She presented her Ph.D draft thesis entitled "Objektif Dalam Kaedah Penyelidikan Berteraskan Islam: Kajian Berdasarkan Pendekatan Al-Biruni Dalam Kitab Al-Hind". Her draft thesis focused on concept used by Al-Biruni in his writing on Kitab Al-Hind where he studied on Hindu society. Her final thesis was evaluated by Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi who gave his approval for the to proceed with the submission of thesis draft.
Some of the lecturers who participate in giving comments regarding thesis proposal and draft |
All six RISDEV students were given green light to proceed their theses to the next level. Congratsulations to all!