ISDEV delegates arriving at Jember Airport, Indonesia |
Alhamdulillah, Praise is to Allah SWT when five ISDEV lecturers were invited to Surabaya, Indonesia for four days, recently to participate in one international conference and two international seminars.
The first was the 3rd International Islamic Development Conference (or KIPI-3) organized by Universitas Jember Indonesia. The two day KIPI-3 which started on 22nd Sept provided the opportunity for each ISDEV lecturer to present their paperwork with the theme on "Re-Discover Islamic Development Paradigm".
Dinner hosted by the Dean of the Faculty of Politics, Universitas Jember. |
It was a truly historic moment, one that will be preserved in the annals of ISDEV, when ISDEV Director, Professor Dr Muhammad Syukri Salleh sat together with the top leadership of the two largest Muslim Organizations in Indonesia, Nahdatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah when they each presented their keynote addresses at KIPI-3.
Professor Syukri keynote address was on "Prinsip Dasar Paradigma Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam” (Basic Principles of the Islamic-based Development Paradigm). The other two keynote addresses were by Dr. KH Haidar Nasir from Muhammadiyah on "Peradaban Islam Bidang Politik dan Pemerintahan" (Islamic Civilisation of Politics and Government) while Dr. Ir. H.A Helmy Faishal Zaini from Nahdatul Ulama adressed on "Peradaban Islam Bidang Sosial dan Ekonomi" (Islamic Civilisation in the Field of Social and Economics).
ISDEV Director, Prof. Muhammad Syukri together with Rector of Universitas Yos Soedarso at Seminar |
Ther second was the International Seminar on "Exploring the Potential of Islamic Economic Success" organized jointly by Universitas Yos Soedarso and ISDEV followed immediately the succeeding day after the end of KIPI-3. Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh was again given the honour to deliver his keynote address. This time he chose to present on "Islamic Management of Poverty - A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Approaches" in front of
participants consisting of economists throughout Indonesia and Malaysia. Dr. Mohd Syakir then took his turn to present his keynote address on "What is Islamic Political Economy?". The third keynote address was presented by Drs Ec A Rochim Sidik on Spiritual Leadership to Performance Syari'ah Managers in Surabaya.
For the afternoon session, Associate Professor Dr Zakaria, Dr Mohd Shukri and Dr Shahir Akram took their turn to present their respective papers.
30th Sanah Helwa Dr Syakir - Celebrating Dr Syakir's birthday whilst enjoying breakfast at
Hotel Java Paragon, Surabaya, Indonesia.
As the duration of this trip fell on Dr Mohd Syakir's birthday, a simple birthday festive for him was celebrated among ISDEV lecturers. The harmony in ISDEV is possible
through the strength of ukhuwwah amongst ISDEV lecturers.
Prof. Muhammad Syukri together with Prof H Saleh Soegiyanto (centre). |
Prof Muhammad Syukri took the chance afforded to him by taking a photo with the pioneer-cum-Foundation Head of Universitas Wijaya Putra, Surabaya Prof H. Saleh Soegiyanto, MSc, PhD (center) during the International Seminar on Islamic Business Environment to Enhance Social Welfare, organised by Universitas Wijaya Putra, Surabaya. At the end of his speech, Prof Muhammad Syukri was approached by the media who were eager to know more and share with their followers what Prof Muhammad Syukri had addressed the audience that day.
All about the conference - Prof. Muhammad Syukri entertaining the barrage of questions posed by reporters
after his speech. |
Token of appreciation received by ISDEV lecturers after presenting their paper work |