A total of 78 passionate ISDEV delegations consisting of ISDEV lecturers and students with some family members were flown to Medan, Indonesia on 15th May 2015. The academic trip was led by ISDEV Director Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh, ISDEV Lecturer-in-Charge, Dr. Azrin Ibrahim as well as the Programme Director who is a RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student, Mohd Syahmi Mohd Miswan.
Reinforcing the ukhuwwah forged for the past 9 consecutive years between ISDEV and UMSU |
The five-day academic trip was jointly organized by ISDEV and Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU). The 9th International Workshop on Islamic Development (9th WAPI) was held on the first day trip 16th May 2015 followed by the 8th International Conference on Islamic Development (8th ICID) for the next day. A total number of 141 participants (70 participants from Malaysia and 71 participants from Indonesia) presented their working papers at the 9th WAPI.
ISDEV Director, Prof. Syukri delivering the inspiring opening speech on "Mentoring Pengajian Tinggi" |
The workshop started with the opening ceremony by the Rector of UMSU, Dr. Agussani MAP and a Keynote Address by ISDEV Director, Professor. Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh. During the opening ceremony, Dr Agussani MAP said, the cooperation between UMSU with ISDEV has been running for the past 9 consecutive years. The organizing seminars and workshops enabled the improvement on the quality of human resources which was considered very important in promoting academic quality, especially at UMSU. This in turn had directly helped the society in general through the Islamic-based development programme.
Prof. Syukri shared and highlighted the basic mentoring points observed at ISDEV. Some of the key points are:
1. One school, one thought.
2. Develop the theory and conceptual framework from purely Islamic roots.
3. Use Islamic Research Methodology.
4. Deliver the knowledge to student by way of heart-to-heart (Qalbu)
5. The ultimate aim is to achieve Mardhatillah.
A group photo in one of the concurrent sessions. |
There were two concurrent sessions during the 9th WAPI held in the morning and afternoon sessions. The participants were divided into 14 seminar rooms with 8 themes. The themes were on Islamic Human Development, Islamic Development, Islamic Banking Finance and Business, Islamic Business and Education, Islamic Education, Islamic Sciences, Zakat and Wakaf, and Islamic Politics. At the end of the workshop, ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh, with ISDEV lecturers and students had a chance to view from the Observatorium Ilmu Falak (OIF) UMSU which is located at the 7th floor of Postgraduate Building of UMSU.
Prof Syukri delivering his presentation on "Islamic Development Monitoring". |
The academic gatherings continued with The 8th International Conference on Islamic Development (8th ICID) the next morning at Garuda Plaza Hotel, Medan. It was held at the Ballroom of Garuda Plaza Hotel, Medan with the theme on "Islamic Controlling Management". The 8th ICID presented six speakers and was divided into two sessions. The first session was moderated by Zainuddin Gayo and saw three speakers Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh (ISDEV, USM) who presented on “Islamic Development Monitoring”, Dr. Farid Wajdi (UMSU and Indonesian Judicial Commissioner) who presented on “Development Management Law” and Rudianto, MSi (UMSU) who presented on “Supervisory Function of Islamic Mass Media”.
Photo session for "Just us - the ladies" at 8th ICID. |
The second session of 8th ICID continued with three more papers presented by Dr Azrin Ibrahim on “Pengawasan Islami Berasaskan Hisbah” (Islamic Supervision Based on Hisbah), Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad on “Pengawasan Pengurusan Dalam Institusi Pembangunan Islam” (Management Supervisory in Islamic-based Development Institutions) and Dr. Prawidia. The afternoon session was moderated by Dr. Widya Hastuti.
Prof Syukri being interviewed by journalists after 9th WAPI and 8th ICID respectively |
The conference was attended by 300 participants including both ISDEV and UMSU students and lecturers. Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UMSU, Dr Muhammad Arifin Gultom, Secretary of the Rector, Gunawan, Chairman of Muhammadiyyah Kota Sumut, Prof. Hasyimsyah Nasution, Muhammadiyah activists, BPH UMSU Dalail Ahmad, and Chairman of the OIF, Dr. Arwin July Hang Butar-Butar also attended this event.
Tazkirah session given by ISDEV Alumni members - Prof Dr Sukiman (right) and Dr Warjio (left). |
The trip was also packed with both intellectual and spiritual inputs. ISDEV members also performed the Subh prayers and Jama’ of Maghrib and Isya’ prayers congregationally followed by tazkirah session from ISDEV Alumni in Medan.
ISDEV Associate Members (ABI) gave a pleasant surprise and celebrated Teacher’s Day with all ISDEV lecturers on the night of 16th May 2016 right after the tazkirah by Dr. Warjio. ISDEV lecturers had shown the right path by moulding the students towards becoming a better person. May Allah SWT bless these Murabbi with iman, health, wealth and give them goodness and rewards both here on Earth and Hereafter. Aamiin Ya Rabb al 'Alamiin. Thank You Teachers!
A cake specially ordered for ISDEV lecturers in conjunction with Teacher's Day. |
In the fourth day, ISDEV delegates visited some famous tourist attractions such as Istana Maimun, Medan, the famous ‘Pasar Ikan’ or ‘Pajak Ikan’ and a few book stores to fulfil the enthusiasm of travelling in Medan.
Istana Maimun at the background of this group photo. |
The last day of the trip, ISDEV delegates visited an ISDEV Alumni member's house (Anjung ISDEV), Allahyarham Dr. Suhrawardi for lunch to strengthen the ukhuwwah (brotherhood) amongst ISDEV members and the late Dr. Suhrawardi family especially his wife Puan Latifah.
Having a relaxed time at Puan Latifah's abode. |
ISDEV delegates returned to their hometown on 19th May 2016 and touched down at Pulau Pinang International Airport at 8.45 pm. The five-day academic cum spiritual trip was a true success. Alhamdulillah, it allowed and enabled all the delegates to strengthen their ukhuwwah (brotherhood) with one another as reminded to us Surah al-Hujurat verse, 13 which bears the followingtranslations:-
“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of your in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted”
(Surah al Hujurat, 49:13)
All smiles before flying back to Pulau Pinang. |