Saturday, April 30, 2016


In conjunction with the 53rd Convocation Ceremony of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV) celebrates the momentous occasion with a Majlis Malam Graduasi ISDEV 2016 (ISDEV Graduation Nite 2016). The moderately simple ceremony was held at Eureka Building, USM on 28 April 2016 to commemorate the successful completion of 34 MISDEV14 (ISDEV Postgraduates by Mixed-Mode) students and four RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) students in their studies with ISDEV.
The graduands with their family members and ISDEV members.
34 of them had successfully completed their mixed-mode programme, Master in Social Science (Islamic Development Management) while the other four had completed their Doctorate Degree in Islamic Development Management. At the event besides the students, ISDEV lecturers as well as the graduands' family members and their parents, loved ones and relatives were also there to join in the celebration of excellence.
ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri reminding students
to take a proactive stance in staying in touch with ISDEV
As a symbol to the opening ceremony of the event, upon the launch of the graduation nite by ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh, a multimedia presentation on the students' life as a postgraduate student of ISDEV was screened. 
Prof Syukri presenting the certificates to one of the MISDEV14 students.
It was then followed by the presentation of certificates for “Excellent Dissertation” and “Excellent PhD Thesis Award” by ISDEV Director to the 29 graduates in recognition of their excellence in academic writing. 
Dr Shereeza receiving her certificate and award f rom Prof Syukri.

This includes the four excellent PhD thesis award received by Dr. Shereeza Mohamed Saniff, Dr. Mutiara Dwi Sari, Dr. Khatijah Othman and Dr. Kasyful Mahali.

Besides, the award presentation ceremony, guests were also entertained with a Deklamasi Sajak (Malay Poetry Recital) on Semusim di ISDEV by Ustaz Afnan who had composed the said poem himself. The poem succinctly described his short three semesters experience as a student of ISDEV which nonethelss was able to transform him and his batchmates for life. A nasyeed performance led by ISDEV senior lecturer, Dr Mohd Syakir on ISDEV theme song Sunnah Orang Berjuang  prompted all ISDEV members to nasyeed along in unison. 
Dr Wan Norhaniza (centre) with her supervisees.
Before adjourning the event, Prof. Syukri in his closing speech reminded graduands to take a proactive stance in staying in touch with ISDEV. He discerned that there are three basic patterns of ISDEV Alumni but expressed his sentiments that rightly every ISDEV Alumni should follow one type, that is, those whose heart and thoughts of ISDEV are etched closely in their hearts and mind and that they take the time and effort to keep ISDEV informed of their life after ISDEV. The programme ended with group photo session.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Five RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) students presented either their final draft of PhD theses or PhD proposals at Dewan Kuliah A, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) on 22 April 2016. The programme was divided into the morning and afternoon sessions with three candidates in the morning session while another two presented their PhD proposals during the afternoon session.
PU Ustaz Taha Mohd Omar presenting his final draft PhD thesis.
For the morning session, the first candidate was PU Ustaz Taha Mohd Omar with his final draft PhD thesis on "The Islamic Capital Market: Shariah Screening Methodology by the Securities Commission of Malaysia”. He is currently a student under the supervision of Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh. His final draft was evaluated by Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari. 
Isnaini sharing the findings of his research during his presentation.
The second candidate was Isnaini. He presented his final draft PhD thesis entitled “Pelaksanaan Jaminan Aqad Pembiayaan Mudharabah terhadap Usaha Kecil Menengah di Bank Sumut Syariah Indonesia, Kota Medan” (The Implementation of Mudharabah Financing Contract Guarantee on Small and Medium Enterprises at Bank Sumut Syariah Indonesia, Medan). He is currently under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari while Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad evaluated his final draft presentation.
Mohd Adli Zahri in full spirit presenting his PhD thesis proposal.
Mohd Adli Zahri was the third candidate that presented his thesis's proposal on “Gelagat Pemilihan Pelaburan Dana Amanah Islam (DAI) dalam Kalangan Pelabur Muslim di Kelantan” (Selection Behavior of Islamic Trust Fund Investment (DAI) Amongst Muslims Investors in Kelantan). Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari is his main supervisor while Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan served as his evaluator. 
The student under the supervision of Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad, Hayati Salleh presenting
her PhD thesis proposal which focus on Islamic-based green building management.
The second session continue after the break for Jumaat prayer with the fourth candidate, Hayati Salleh with her PhD proposal on "Asas-Asas Pengurusan Bangunan Hijau Berteraskan Islam: Kajian ke atas Kompleks Suleymaniye” (Principles of Islamic-based Green Building Management: Study on Suleymaniye Complex). She is currently supervised by Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad while Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi took the responsibility to evaluate her PhD Thesis proposal. 
Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari (standing left) giving his comment and views as to
how Shahrinizam (seated right) could improve his PhD thesis.
The last candidate to present his PhD thesis proposal is currently a student under the supervision of Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad. Sharinizam Mohd. Amin presented the proposal on "Hubungan Penentu Pemilihan dengan Kepuasan Ibu Bapa terhadap Kemasukan Pelajar ke Institusi Pendidikan Ikram Musleh” (Relationship Determinants of Parents' Selection to that of Satisfaction on Students' Admission to Ikram Musleh Educational Institutions). This thesis proposal was evaluated by Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari. 

As usual a Q&A session took place after each presentation. Finally, each candidate was able to have a sigh of grateful relief when all the lecturers agreed to give endorsement for them to proceed to the next level of their PhD theses proper.

Congratulations to all five RISDEV students!

Monday, April 25, 2016


This (Qur'an) is guidance. And those who have disbelieved in the verses of their Lord will have a painful punishment of foul nature [al-Jathiyah, 45:11].

Sunday, April 24, 2016


ISDEV received good news in the arena of viva voce of its two RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) students. Wan Khairul Aiman Wan Mokhtar has added the tally to ISDEV records of "Excellent PhD Thesis". He was awarded Grade 1 (the highest scale accorded to by Universiti Sains Malaysia for a viva) by the Board of Examiners during his viva on Monday, 18 April 2016 at C06 Conference Room, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
Wan Khairul Aiman Wan Mokhtar defending his thesis with calm disposition.
His viva which was held at 9:30 a.m. saw him defending his PhD thesis on "Tasawwur Pembangunan dalam Kitab Sahih Al-Bukhary: Kajian Al-Hadith Al-Mawdu'iy" (The Development Worldview in Sahih Al- Bukhara: A Thematic Study of the Hadith) with a very cool, calm and collected disposition. The Board of Examiners unanimously agreed that his PhD thesis deserved a nomination as an excellent PhD thesis.
Wan Khairul Aiman with his Board of Examiners.
The Board of Examiners consisted of the Chairperson, Professor Dr. Ruslan Rainis from School of Humanities, USM, External Examiner, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Che Zarrina Sa'ari from Department of Akidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya (UM) and two Internal Examiners who were Dr. Zahri Hamat and Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad. In the meantime Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh as the Director of ISDEV and Wan Khairul Aiman's main supervisor Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi  were also present.
Ahmad Nizam defending his thesis and answering all the questions from
the Board of Examiners with utmost calmness. 
Meanwhile, the next day, 19 April 2016, Ahmad Nizam from Acheh Indonesia or famously known as Pak Nizam among ISDEV members defended his PhD thesis on "Gaya Hidup Pengguna Muslim dalam Memilih Perbankan Syariah di Banda Acheh-Indonesia" (Muslim Consumer Lifestyle in Selecting Shariah Banking in Banda Acheh - Indonesia).
Ahmad Nizam with the Board of Examiners after the viva-voce and his wife (seated right) 
The viva started at 9.30 a.m. and the Board of Examiners took the opportunity to bombard Pak Nizam with a variety of questions. The Chairperson for the viva was Professor Dr. Ruslan Rainis from School of Humanities, USM. The External Examiner was Professor Dr. Joni Tamkin Borhan from Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya (UM) while his two Internal Examiners were Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh and Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad. His main supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari and his co-supervisor Associate Professor Dr. Norzarina Mohd Zaharim were also present. Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi represented ISDEV Director. Pak Nizam was not the least discouraged by the questions fielded and was able to defend his thesis superbly well. He  finally was able to breathe a sigh of relief upon hearing the great good news that he had been awarded Grade "2" for his PhD Thesis.

As the culture in ISDEV prior to any viva, there are two routines that are strictly adhered to prepare students spiritually, emotionally, physically as well as intellectually. First is a mock viva which is usually held on the eve of the viva. Both of them had their mock viva on Friday, 15 April 2016.
After performing solat hajat for both candidates
at Masjid Al-Malik Khalid USM
The second routine is performing the solat hajat congregationally amongst ISDEV members. As the two viva was scheduled back to back, solat hajat for Wan Khairul Aiman and Pak Nizam was held on Monday morning. ISDEV members congregated at 8.30 a.m. at Masjid Al-Malik Khalid USM to perform the solat hajat together with a focused intention of seeking Allah SWT help to guide both candidates are sitting for their viva later that day and the next day.

Congratulations Wan Khairul Aiman and Pak Nizam!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


On the blessed Friday morning and afternoon of 15 April 2016, three RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) students, Azreen Hamiza Abdul Aziz, Mohd Syahmir Alias and Nurhidayah Marzuki presented the final draft of their PhD theses. More than 50 ISDEV members consisting of ISDEV lecturers as well as students attended the ISDEV Graduate Discourse that was held at the C06, Conference Room, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
Azreen Hamiza sharing her findings before ISDEV members.
The first candidate, Azreen Hamiza Abdul Aziz who is also an ISDEV ASTS (Academic Staff Training Scheme) student presented her final draft on “Conceptualizing Islamic Hospitality Management”. She is currently under the supervision of Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh while Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad evaluated her final draft.
A thoroughly researched subject as commented by Dr. Fadzila Azni,
Mohd Syahmir shows how well he knows his research. 
The afternoon session saw the next two candidates presenting their final theses. The second candidate, Mohd Syahmir Alias presented on ‘Bebas Nilai dalam Penyelidikan Saintifik: Kajian dari Perspektif Perkaedahan Penyelidikan Berteraskan Islam’ (Value-Free in Scientific Research: Study from the Islamic Research Methodology Perspective). He is currently under the supervision of Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi and Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad serves as his final PhD draft evaluator. 
Hidayah's turn to offer her findings to ISDEV members.
The last candidate, Nurhidayah Marzuki presented on “Kaedah Kepimpinan Perancangan Strategik dalam Pengurusan Kualiti di Institusi Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam: Kajian Kes di Brunei Darussalam’ (Strategic Planning Leadership Methods of Quality Management in Islamic-based Development Institutions: Case Study in Brunei Darussalam). Her main supervisor is Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad while Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi serves as her co-supervisor. Dr. Wan Norhaniza Wan Hasan evaluated her final draft.
All in white - Comments and views given by ISDEV lecturers to one of the candidates.
The three candidates tried their best to explain in detail the contents of their theses. Scores of questions to them ensued their presentations which included questions fielded by ISDEV lecturers and students. Views and comments were also shared with the candidates for them to further improve their final draft theses before submission to the Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), USM.
ISDEV students take the opportunity to give their full attention towards the presentations.
After a detailed evaluation and comments given by ISDEV lecturers, all of three of them received the good news that they could proceed to the next stage of their PhD theses with modifications to be carried out based on the feedback given by the evaluators. 

Congratulations to Azreen, Syahmir and Hidayah!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A NAS A WEEK - 11 RAJAB 1437

Iyad ibn Ghanam reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever intends to advise one with authority, then he should not do so publicly. Rather, he should take him by the hand and advise him in seclusion. If he accepts the advice, then all is well. If he does not accept it, then he has fulfilled his duty.” [Source: Musnad Ahmad 14909; Grade: Sahih (authentic)]

Friday, April 15, 2016


Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) plans to offer Hajj and Umrah Management courses at the postgraduate level through the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV) in the near future. Vice-Chancellor of USM, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman said this at a press conference after the opening of the Regional Conference on Hajj 2016 (RCHAJJ'16) at Gurney Resort Hotel and Residence, Pulau Pinang on 6 April 2016.

RCHAJJ'16 was officiated by Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister Department, YB Senator Dato' Dr. Asyraf Wajdi bin Dato' Dusuki. He welcomed such intellectual meet on Hajj and Umrah that aimed to discuss the results of various researches conducted by scholars and experienced scientists from various countries for the operational management of the hajj pilgrims.
Prof. Syukri (2nd from right) with YB. Senator Dato' Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Dato' Dusuki (centre) and USM Vice Chancellor,
Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman (2nd from left).
According to Prof. Dato' Dr. Omar Osman, the sustainability of research on hajj is seen as a contribution from USM for the management of hajj and umrah to pilgrims in the future. He explained that this would also strengthen the Hajj Research Cluster administered by ISDEV through USM's collaboration of expertise with other public universities such as Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Such endeavours involve cross-sectors and multidisciplinary expertise to pursue research for a variety of issues related to the management of pilgrims especially during the hajj season. 
VC chairs the Joint Meeting with dignitaries from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.
He further added that the issues focused in the various researches on hajj embarked upon included the transfer, supervision and management of crowd as well as health problems and management. The results of such studies would enhance the safety levels, health and management of hajj procedures simultaneously providing added comfort to the hajj pilgrims so the pilgrims can focus on the pilgrimage itself.

Approximately 130 academicians, researchers and those involved with hajj management from Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia and Malaysia participated in RCHAJJ'16 organised by the Hajj Cluster.
Standing tall to provide the best  for hajj pilgrims through sustainability research on hajj.
A photo session with foreign dignitaries after the Joint Meeting.

Prof. Dato' Dr. Omar acknowledged that it was not easy to deal with people, especially those related to health and safety in view that hajj is an event that gathers the most number of Muslims from all around the world. However he expressed his hopes that the existence of the Hajj Research Cluster will enable a resolution or policy from a different perspective to be produced in the management, health sciences, technological advances and psycho-social of hajj and umrah that will be of great benefit to the government, all parties involved in the management of hajj and umrah and the pilgrims. He added that the input from scholars and practitioners who conduct field studies and are involved in crowd management can certainly add-on to the information database in search for the best solution that can be offered pertaining to hajj.
Musmuliadi Kamaruding presents his findings at the conference.
In the meantime, ISDEV was honoured to have its sole RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by research) student, Musmuliadi Kamaruding to be part of RCHAJJ'16 as one of the presenters. Musmuliadi who is currently pursuing his PhD on Islamic-based Crowd Management, presented his paper on “Conceptualising Islamic-based Crowd Management - The Case of Hajj Pilgrims”.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Simple and to the point - ISDEV welcomes the delegates from the two universities.
The Dean of Economic Faculty, Universitas Wijaya Putra, Dr. Soenarmi, SE., MM and the Dean of Economic Faculty, Universitas Yos Soedarso, Drs. Ec. A Rochim Sidik, MM with their entourage paid a visit to ISDEV on 29 March 2016. They came with a mission. Their simple but important mission nonetheless was to develop cooperation through the building of ukhuwwah so as to promote mutual interests among these three institutions.
Prof. Syukri presenting to the delegates a general overview on ISDEV.
The delegations form Surabaya, Indonesia were welcomed by ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh. Prof. Syukri  took the opportunity to introduce the delegates to ISDEV by providing a detailed overview of ISDEV which included the various academic courses offered, past and on-going research that ISDEV is embarked in as well as ISDEV plans for the future. 
Maximising the time with ISDEV Director, the delegates from the two institutions took a very
active part in sealing the mutual cooperation among the three institutions.
Based on the briefing, they were impressed with the various achievements ISDEV had accomplished. They expressed their keenness to exemplify and make ISDEV a reference point in managing the administration of their faculty whether academically or in the spirit of glorifying Islam that ISDEV upholds. They were also keen to establish cooperation between ISDEV and their institutions.
Sealing the Letter of Intent for cooperation between the representative from Universitas Yos Soedarso (seated left),
Dean of Faculty of Economic, Drs. Ec. A Rochim Sidik, MM with ISDEV Director,
Prof. Dr.  Muhammad Syukri Salleh. 
Finally, the three institutions agreed to make the very best efforts in seeing to the development of the following four forms of cooperation - (1) Joint research activities and academic programme (2) Exchange of faculty members for the development of all parties (3) Joint collaboration in organizing symposium or conferences (4) Joint collaboration in publication.
The representative form Universitas Wijaya Putra, Dean of Faculty of Economic, Dr. Soenarmi, SE., MM signing the
Letter of Intent for cooperation with ISDEV Director, Prof. Dr.  Muhammad Syukri Salleh.
As a first step towards realising the collaboration between these parties, the three institutions agreed to organize a conference that is scheduled to be held sometime in September 2016. Universitas Wijaya Putra will organize a conference with the main theme on Islamic Research Methodology with Prof. Syukri and Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan as the keynote speakers of the conference. Meanwhile, Universitas Yos Soedarso is slotted to organize a conference on Islamic Management with its two key notes speakers being Prof. Syukri and Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad.
A moment to be recorded in the annals of the three institutions.
It is ardently hoped the organization of these two conferences will mark the beginning of further cooperation of these two institutions with ISDEV.

Monday, April 11, 2016


And We did not create the heavens and earth and that between them in play [al-Dukhan, 44:38].

Saturday, April 9, 2016


The participants of the Bengkel Sumbang Saran Pemikiran Hala Tuju Zakat Pulau Pinang.
ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh was given the honour to address the participants at the Bengkel Sumbang Saran Pemikiran Hala Tuju Zakat Pulau Pinang for the period of 2016-2020. The 4-days workshop organised by Zakat Pulau Pinang (ZPP) was held from 23 to 26 March, 2016 at Cyberview Resort & Spa, Cyberjaya.
Away from home at a rather exclusive venue to fully capitalise the gems of ideas and suggestions
received for the betterment of the Muslims in Pulau Pinang through zakat. The personnel of  Zakat
Pulau Pinang engaged fully to the discussions held throughout the workshop.
The workshop was held to obtain new ideas for improvement and also to strengthen the current operations of ZPP as well as its operations for the next five years. All these are to be done with the main aim and hope that the effect from the resolution passed at this workshop could see its fruition thus providing benefits that can be directly felt and enjoyed by the Muslims in Pulau Pinang. Prof. Syukri as the sole main paper presenter of the workshop presented his paper on "Ekonomi Politik Zakat" (The Political Economy of Zakat).
Prof. Syukri deliver his main paper presentation on "Ekonomi Politik Zakat"
(The Political Economy of Zakat).
Prof. Syukri's proposal through his main paper presentation for ZPP's direction for 2016-2020 was based on the perspective of political economy. This proposal began with the belief that the economy is actually not free from political influence, and politicians are actually not free from the influence of the economy. Interaction between economic and political influence each other which leads to certain phenomena, including the management and development of zakat. The phenomenon of management and development of zakat that have been identified through the perspective of political economy is believed to be fundamental in outlining the future direction of the management and development of zakat, especially for the future direction of ZPP 2016-2020.
Providing further details on his presentation during the Question & Answer session. Sitting to
Prof. Syukri's right is the Mufti of Pulau Pinang, Sahibus Samaha Dato' Dr. Haji Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor
while on his left is Yang Di- Pertua Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Pulau Pinang
YB. Dato' Haji Mohd. Salleh bin Man.
By using secondary information and textual analysis, Prof. Syukri proposes six approaches, based on an understanding of the political economy perspective, which can be used as the guidelines in the management and development of zakat 2016-2020. The six approaches are, namely, first, the role of political power. Second, the need for de-centralization and localization of zakat. Third, the importance of professionalism approach. Fourth, the economic construction of commercial economies, strategic economies, and fard al-kifayat economies. Fifth, defining the concept of poverty in Islam, and sixth, the construction of an Islamic society. A Question & Answer session was also held immediately after Prof. Syukri ended his speech.
Dr. Mohd. Shukri Hanapi presenting his paper during one of the three mini workshops held concurrently.
Meanwhile, ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad, Associate Professor Dr. Zakaria Bahari and Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi also participated in this workshop. All three were involved in the three different mini workshops that was held concurrently within the 4-day workshop. Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi presented his paper on “Arah Tuju Pelaksanaan Agihan Zakat” (Direction of Zakat Distribution) in the mini workshop on Bengkel Kebajikan dan Pendidikan Asnaf (Asnaf's Welfare and Education Workshop). 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zakaria Bahari (left) participating in one of the mini workshops.
Besides Dr. Mohd Shukri, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zakaria Bahari also took part in one the mini workshops. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zakaria gave some very useful and pertinent feedback by giving his views and suggestions in the mini workshop on Bengkel Ekonomi dan Keusahawanan (Economy and Entrepreneur Workshop).

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


A new article by ISDEV Senior Lecturer, Dr. Mohd Syakir Mohd Rosdi has been published recently. The article appears in Jurnal Sains Humanika Vol.8, No. 2 (2016).

For direct access to this article, please click the following links:- 

Monday, April 4, 2016


Ibn Umar reported: Two men came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and they said, “O Messenger of Allah, which of the people are most beloved to Allah? And which deeds are most beloved to Allah?” The Prophet said, “The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to the people. The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy, or to remove one of his troubles, or to forgive his debt, or to feed his hunger. That I walk with a brother regarding a need is more beloved to me than that I seclude myself in this mosque in Medina for a month. Whoever swallows his anger, then Allah will conceal his faults. Whoever suppresses his rage, even though he could fulfill his anger if he wished, then Allah will secure his heart on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever walks with his brother regarding a need until he secures it for him, then Allah the Exalted will make his footing firm across the bridge on the day when the footings are shaken.” [Source: al-Muʻjam al-Awsaṭ 6192].

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Dr Shahir leads in the research project in the CLMV countries.

The Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV) Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is scheduled to conduct its research on 'Islamic Leadership in Service Management' in Vietnam on 28 May 2016.

The research leader, Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan said the research is carried out under education marketing program to a few nearby countries such as in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (or CLMV) organized by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE).

"The purpose of this research is to enable Malaysia to offer its expertise and experience to regional countries and other developing countries in terms of research, learning and teaching, community networks and student mobility, quality assurance and leadership".

"This is the first time that USM is participating in the research under this program and that our focus is on leadership in Vietnam as it has now become a tourist attraction as a shopping heaven, especially in Ho Chi Minh city," he said.

He also explained that the offer will remain open to research teams to proceed to the next phase, depending on the effectiveness of the current research projects that are held in the CLMV countries.

"For starters, there are indeed some challenges faced because it was our first experience in a research project with these CLMV countries. But we believe it can be resolved upon arrival in Vietnam later," he explained. 
