A rather calm and serene viva voce taking place for Nur Hanani (second from left). |
The first
viva voce was for RISDEV (ISDEV Posgraduate by Research) student, Nur Hanani Ismail.
Alhamdulillah and praise is only to Allah SWT. As ISDEV members and the rest of the Muslim
ummah wade through the last ten days of the month of Ramadhan to seek Allah SWT
rahmat (love and blessings) Nur Hanani has added the tally to ISDEV records of “Excellent PhD Thesis”. She had successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Kaedah Naqad Al-Hadith Sebagai Kaedah Penentu Kesahan Data bagi Penyelidikan Berkaitan Islam” (The Naqd al-Hadith Method as the Method to Validate Data for Research Related to Islam). Her
viva was held on Monday morning at Mc.Clintock Viva Room, Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), USM.
The chairperson for the Board of Examiners was Prof. Dr. Nor Hashimah Hashim from the School of Education, USM. In the meantime, Associate Professor Dr. Engku Ahmad Zaki bin Engku Alwi, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) was the external examiner. Two internal examiners consisted of, Dr. Zakaria Bahri and Dr. Zahri Hamat while Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi represented ISDEV Director. The examiners were satisfied with both her written thesis and
viva voce and had unanimously agreed to award her with Grade 1. It is truly and ardently believed that apart from the efforts of the candidate and all parties involved, the
do'a (supplication) from all ISDEV members especially in this blessed month of Ramadhan has added to the blessings of such blissful news.
At the start of Teuku Meldi's viva - providing a 10 minute introduction to what his PhD thesis is all about. |
Two days later, ISDEV received another resounding news of a passing Grade 1 for Teuku Meldi's
viva voce. Teuku Meldi who presented his final draft PhD Thesis in February 2015, was finally able to sigh a sigh of jubilant gratitude to Allah SWT on 15 July, 2015 after he had successfully and excellently defended his PhD Thesis. While most students were busy with their
balik kampung fervour to celebrate the 'Eid festivities, Teuku Meldi's
viva voce which was also held at Mc.Clintock Viva Room, IPS, USM it was nonetheless held in the afternoon session. It was just a few hours before the last day of the
nawafil tarawikh prayers in the month of Ramadhan for 1436H.
Humbly and patiently Teuku Meldi explains the finer points of his PhD Thesis during his viva voce. |
Defending his PhD Thesis on
"Kriteria-kriteria Periklanan Dari Perspektif Islam: Analisis Persepsi Pengguna Institusi Perbankan Syariah di Banda Aceh" (Advertising Criteria from the Islamic Perspective: Analysis of Islamic Banking Consumer's Perception in Banda Aceh) he was not slightly perturbed with the frenzy of the last minutes preparations for the upcoming
'Eid. In fact the reverse was true. The fervour and will to excellently defend his PhD thesis was clearly displayed by his mannerism and determination during the
viva, coupled with the
do'a and backing of friends who stayed behind to support and cheer him on.
Professor Dr. Zulkiple Abd. Ghani |
Associate Professor Mohamad Md. Yusoff |
Bombarded with questions from his External Examiner, Professor Dr. Zulkiple Abd Ghani, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) who is also attached to the Faculty of Leadership and Management, USIM and two Internal Examiners, Associate Professor Mohamad Md. Yusoff
from the School of Communications, USM and Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh from ISDEV, USM did not break his spirit in any way. He remained undaunted and was even able to answer all questions calmly. Finally within less than an hour, his
viva voce had come to an end. The examiners unanimously agreed to award him with Grade "1" as well as announced that his PhD thesis deserved a nomination for an "Excellent PhD Thesis" at least at the university's level.
A thumbs up from one of his internal examiners, Teuku Meldi (seated left) was indeed pleased and much humbled
by the excellent results he received. |
The Board of Examiners consisted of the chairperson, Professor Dr. Merza Abbas from the Centre for Instructional and Multimedia (PTPM) USM, Encik Kamarudin Ismail Merican as Secretary and Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi served as representative of ISDEV Director. Also in attendance was Dr. Zakaria Bahari, Teuku Meldi’s main supervisor as well as other ISDEV members who never failed to give moral and spiritual support of any viva candidate from ISDEV. Teuku Meldi immediately performed the
nawafil sujud syukur (prostration of gratitude) upon hearing his
viva results. To him this was indeed the most meaningful
'Eid present for himself, ISDEV lecturers, family and friends at ISDEV.
Congratulations Nur Hanani and Teuku Meldi!