Friday, November 28, 2014


An industrious lot - the sisters of MISDEV'13 at C05 just moments before the presentation.

The last few weeks of October and November were akin to a nightmare for all 36 students of MISDEV'13 (ISDEV Mixed-Mode Master students) because all of them were scheduled to present their final dissertations. The presentation took place at C05, C06 and C23 of the Social Sciences Conference Room. The students were divided into six groups with each of the group consisting of six students.

The groups presented their dissertations on 15, 30 and 31 October which continued on 7,12 and 13 November 2014. Each student was given 15 minutes to present in front of their supervisors as well as other ISDEV lecturers who all acted as evaluators.

Nuruljannah Ja'afar presenting on " Pelaksanaan Prinsip Patuh Syariah Dalam Industri Perhotelan: 
Kajian Kes Hotel Tabung Haji, Bayan Lepas Pulau Pinang" on 31 October 2014.

The lecturers gave their comments and suggestions on how the students could improve their dissertations proper before submitting to the lecturers. A Question and Answer Session was also opened to the other students for a clearer understanding of the presentations.

Siti Nor'ain Mayan presenting her dissertation on
"Perbandingan Mekanisme Qadi Al-Qadat dan Biro Pengaduan Awam"

The evaluators for each session consisted of ISDEV Director Prof. Muhammad Syukri Salleh, ISDEV Deputy Director Dr. Zakaria Bahari, ISDEV lecturers Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad, Dr.Zahri Hamat, Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi, Dr. Wan Norhaniza, Dr. Mohd Syakir as well as Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan.

Dr.Shahir Akram (wearing a white cap) suggesting some pointers on how a student's written dissertation
can be further improved.

After the lecturers had evaluated, they unanimously agreed to give permission to all the 36 MISDEV'13 students to submit their final dissertations within a month after their corrections.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


All eyes on the chicken as one of the MISDEV'13 brothers undertake his attempt to slaughter.
As a realisation on the development of human aspects who are both physically and spiritually excellent, the Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Unversiti Sains Malaysia organised a hands-on human development programme for its MISDEV'13 students (ISDEV Postgraduate Masters (Mixed-Mode) students). This programme is an annual programme that emphasizes on the practical aspect of human development as an enrichment to the theoretical aspects covered in the class. The programme is a graduation requirement for MISDEV13 in the third semester.

As usual, MISDEV13 students were assigned to organise the programme. For this year, 3 days 2-nights Kem Pembangunan Insaniah (KPI’14) programme was conducted from 17-19 October 2014 at Dusun Minda Resort, Kuala Nerang, Kedah. 
At the opening ceremony of KPI'14  (from right to left) Assistant Manager of Dusun Minda Resort, Mohd Syariffudin Baddaruldin, ISDEV Director, Prof. Syukri and ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr Zakaria.
The camp involved MISDEV13 students, ISDEV lecturers and other ISDEV members with the chosen theme: “Spiritual Development: The Thrust for Human Development Sustainability”. The function of human in Islam as the servant of Allah (‘Abdillah) and the caliph of Allah (Khalifatullah) should empower man to implementboth fard ‘ain & fard kifayah. Therefore, the main objective of KPI’14 was to ensure students are given hands-on practical experience to apply the theories they have learnt.

Ustaz Anas (MISDEV'13) and friends conducting the Islamic Corpse Management segment.
KPI’14 consists of three core activities, Public Speaking, The Art and Ethics of Slaughtering and Corpse Management. All these three activities were conducted on the second day. Students were received feedback and comments as to how they had handled the practical core activities and in which areas, if any, they could improve upon.

Part of physical development - Senamrobik in session.
Besides the three core activities, KPI’14 also included some indoor and outdoor activities such as tazkirah, jungle trekking and cultural night. The activities gave the students the opportunity to discover their physical, mental and spiritual strengths that are embedded in one's self. 
Having a raving fun time at the Flying Fox.
In a single file as the sisters of ISDEV went on with their jungle trekking.
On the last night of KPI'14, ISDEV lecturers and members were presented with a showcase of the creative side of MISDEV'13 students. The sisters presented a short film on Jalan Mencari Tuhan (The Road in Search of God) while the brothers presented a pentomime entitled Jalan Kembali (The Way Back).  Students were able to discover their abilities, talents and skills to develop themselves further throughout this activity. Such creativity and enthusiastic performances attracted and amused the whole audience. 
A group photo of all the participants of KPI'14
Even the sisters participated in the hands-on experience of The Arts and Ethics of Slaughtering in Islam.
Last but not least, KPI’14 was successfully conducted due to the high commitment and relentless efforts by all those involved before, during and after the programme. KPI'14 signified the hard work of everyone, ISDEV lecturers, students, staff, the generous sponsors - be it individuals or institutions - as well as the staff of Dusun Minda Resort. It is hoped that everyone gained a lot of experience, knowledge and skills within the programme. As participants left the programme with resoluteness to be a more committed person spiritually and physically to Islam and fulfilling as a strong ukhuwwah (brotherhood) was forged that definitely provided a most wonderful memory to each and everyone. Alhamdulillah! Thank you Allah.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is (rightly) guided [al-Nahl, 16:25].

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Continuing the legacy of the seniors before them, MISDEV'14 (ISDEV Postgraduate by Mixed-mode) students have been assigned to organize an empowering program aimed at the grass root level of the Ban Nua community in Thailand. With a theme on "Empowering Community for Development" activities such as gotong royong, the proper way to wear the hijab and a friendly football match have been lined-up for the Ban Nua 5.0 programme. The 3-day-2 night programme runs from 21 November 2014 until 23 November 2014  .

A total of 2 buses had been especially chartered for the trip to Thailand. Delegates assembled at Padang Kawad PALAPES (PALAPES Marching Field), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) before heading for Thailand at 8.00 a.m. As the obligatory is not neglected, ISDEV delegates performed Solat Jumaat at Masjid Sadao in Sadao Thailand.

Rearing up to go - two MISDEV'14 students holding the banner specially designed for the Ban Nua 5.0 programme

ISDEV Director, Professor Dr Muhammad Syukri Salleh led the delegates consisting of ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr Zakaria Bahari, ISDEV Programme Coordinator, Dr Fadzila Azni Ahmad and ISDEV lecturers Dr Mohd Syakir and Dr Wan Norhaniza as well as 35 MISDEV'14 students and a few RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research Mode) students.

In addition to ISDEV members, this year's programme is also joined by four representatives from Universiti Islam Sultan Shariff Ali (UNISSA), Brunei Darussalam. They are Hajah Nurul Halimatul Wara’ Hj Mumin, Hajah Rafizah Haji Abdullah, Pengiran Dr Saiful Bahrin Pengiran Hj Kula and Muhammed Sahrin Hj. Masri.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


In conjunction with the 50th Convocation Ceremony of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), the Research and Innovation Division of USM held a Research Excellent Showcase from 4 to 9 November 2014 at Eureka Complex, USM. 

The exhibition was officiated by USM Chancellor, D.Y.M.M. Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail. It showcased more than 20 research products providing information on the various research embarked by USM to staff and students as well as the public that came to view the exhibits. 

The opening ceremony

As the latest Research Centre of Excellence (CoE) in USM, ISDEV was given the honour to participate and join in the foray of excellence. This is ISDEV inaugural participation at the highly regarded exhibition. ISDEV took the opportunity to display the various research as well as achievements received by ISDEV since its establishment in 2005. ISDEV fervent commitment to raise its image as well as that of Islam was aptly exhibited at ISDEV Booth.

ISDEV Director, Prof. Muhammad Syukri (2nd from left) shares with Pehin Hj Awang Abdul Rahman (left)
the exhibits presented at ISDEV booth
In addition, ISDEV also took the opportunity to showcase an animated video of the proposed new ISDEV building designed by ISDEV appointed Advisor, Bruneian, Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Awang Abdul Rahman Haji Abdul Karim. The building  is set to be one of ISDEV biggest achievements following ISDEV upgrade to a CoE on 17 April 2014.
All eyes were on Prof. Syukri as he gave further explanation about ISDEV to the guests from Brunei Darussalam.

One of the most unique features of the proposed ISDEV building is that it is set to be a Waqf-based building (Waqf-based ISDEV Complex). The Waqf-based ISDEV Complex has been specially designed to not only focus on academic use but is also set to be equipped with other visitor-friendly spaces such as musolla, nursery, banquet hall, hotel rooms, as well as some commercial units.

USM Vice Chancellor giving some explanations to DYMM Chancellor during His Majesty and Her Majesty
visit to ISDEV Booth.

ISDEV was also truly honoured by the willingness of D.Y.M.M. Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullai and D.Y.M.M Tuanku Raja Perempuan Perlis Tengku Fauziah binti Tengku Abdul Rashid to spend time visiting ISDEV Booth.

The Minister of Education, Brunei Darussalam (right) browsing one of the many titles published through the 
ISDEV Paper Series while Prof Syukri (left) looks on.

Prof Syukri (left) is seen here with UNISSA Rektor Dr. Haji Norarfan Haji Zainal (centre) and Dr Mohd Shukri (right).

ISDEV was doubly honoured with the visitation of other distinguished guests including the Minister of Education of Brunei Darussalam, Pehin Orang Kaya Kerna Dato 'Seri Setia Haji Awang Abu Bakar Haji Apong; Vice Chancellor of USM, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman, Executive Director of Abdul Razak Holdings (ARH), Yang Mulia Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Awang Abdul Rahman Haji Abdul Karim, Rektor of Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Dr. Haji Norarfan Haji Zainal; Vice Chancellor of Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Datuk Dr. Zulkarnain Hanafi, Editor of Brunei Times Group, Tuan Haji Bujang Haji Masu'ut, as well as officers from USM and the government of Brunei Darussalam.

A resolute stand to forge a strong and lasting ukhuwwah between ISDEV and the delegates from Brunei Darussalam. 

For those who are far and away from Pulau Pinang and had missed ISDEV Booth at the USM Research Excellence Showcase, you may click the link below to watch the animated rendition of the impressive soon-to-be-built Waqf-based ISDEV Complex.


Yahya related to me from Malik that Zayd ibn Aslam used to say, "No-one makes a dua without one of three things happening. Either it is answered, or it is stored up for him, or wrong actions are atoned for by it." [Hadith from Muwatta Malik, Book 15, No. 508].

Friday, November 14, 2014


A proud moment - the 11 RISDEV PhD graduates with ISDEV lecturers and distinguished guests.
Sticking to the tradition of ISDEV, an ISDEV Graduation Ceremony was held on Wednesday afternoon, 5 November 2014 in honour of 11 RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate Research Mode) students' convocation.

With the help of ISDEV Associate Members (ABI), the high-tea reception was held at the Dewan Lantai Seni, Kompleks Cahaya Siswa, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Dr Mohd Syakir (left) receiving his certificate from ISDEV Advisory Council Member Yang Mulia Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Awang Abdul Rahman Haji Abdul Karim (centre) while ISDEV Director Prof Syukri looks on (right).
All the 11 RISDEV Graduates received their graduation certificates from ISDEV as well as a plague each from ISDEV as a sign of appreciation for completing their study in Islamic Development Management at the highest echelon of formal academic studies, the Doctor of Philosophy level (by Research).

Dr. Raziah, accompanied by her husband (left), receiving her certificate from Yang Mulia Pehin. 
At the same time, 10 of them also received the ‘Outstanding PhD Thesis Award’ in recognition of their excellence in academic writing. The certificates and awards were presented by ISDEV distinguished guest of the day, Executive Director of Abdul Razak Holdings (ARH), Brunei Darussalam-cum-ISDEV Advisory Council Member, Yang Mulia Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Awang Abdul Rahman Haji Abdul Karim.

One for the album - a group photo of the 11 PhD graduates with ISDEV distinguished guests, ISDEV lecturers
and their family members.
Besides the award presentation ceremony, the graduates also took a group photos with ISDEV lecturers and distinguish guests as well as their family members.

A jubilant Dr Mohd Syakir with his beloved wife, son and family members
Graduating students also took the opportunity to bring their parents, loved ones and relatives to join in the celebration of excellence and get acquainted with ISDEV fraternity.

 (From right to left) Dr Zakaria, Tuan Haji Bujang, Pehin, Prof Syukri and Dr Nasri chatting before the beginning of the occasion
Also present were ISDEV Director Prof Muhammad Syukri Salleh, ISDEV Deputy Director Dr. Zakaria Bahari, ISDEV lecturers comprising of Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi, Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad, Dr. Zahri Hamat, the Brunei Times Group Editor-in-Chief Tuan Haji Bujang Haji Masu'ut, ISDEV Research Fellow from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Dr. Nasri Naiimi, ISDEV Research Officers as well as ISDEV supporting staff.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


USM Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato' Dr. Omar Osman with ISDEV Director, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Syukri and four of the eleven ISDEV doctoral graduates

11 RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate Research Mode) students of Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV) received their Doctors of Philosophy degree (or PhD) at the 50th USM Convocation Ceremony on 5 November 2014. The numbers have actually exceeded the initial target set by ISDEV since its upgrade as a Research Centre of Excellence (CoE) on 17 April 2014.

Dr Shahir Akram al-Hafiz one of the eleven RISDEV students receiving his scroll from USM Chancellor DYMM Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail 

The students received their doctorates degrees in Islamic Development Management. Their scrolls were presented to them by USM Chancellor D.Y.M.M. Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail.
Dr Wan Norhaniza (centre) with an ISDEV staff and sisters of MISDEV'13.

It is indeed a momentous and joyful occasion for these 11 RISDEV graduates. They have not only excelled in their studies but has enabled ISDEV to realise and even surpass the target set by ISDEV since its inception as a CoE. Truly an inspiring and astounding achievement that has definitely helped ISDEV raise its image as well as that of Islam as well.
Dr Radieah (centre) with her son and a few of MISDEV'13 students.

The doctorates recipients included the three newly appointed lecturers at ISDEV, Dr. Mohd Syakir Mohd Rosdi, Dr. Shahir Akram Hassan al-Hafiz and Dr. Wan Norhaniza Wan Hasan. Other graduates were Dr Razali Othman who is now the Director of Islamic Centre (Universiti Putra Malaysia), Dr. Wan Anisah Endut and Dr Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin al-Hafiz (both of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin), Dr Raziah Md Tahir and Dr. Mohamad Helmi Hidthiir (both of Universiti Utara Malaysia), Radieah Mohd Nor (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Dr. Farid Wajdi (Universitas Muhammadiyyah Sumatera Utara, Medan) and Dr Mulia Saputra (Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh)

Not wanting to miss the moment, ISDEV members taking a photo with
Dr Wan Norhaniza (second from right) and Dr Mohd Syakir (third from left).

Parents and family of ISDEV graduates as well as ISDEV members were at the convocation ceremony to celebrate and share their success.

Congratulations to all the 11 recipients for the conferment of the Philosophiae Doctor.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such (trial) has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until (even their) messenger and those who believed with him said,"When is the help of Allah ?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near [al-Baqarah, 2:214].

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


The recently held 9th INGRAW 2014 (INGRAW 2014) on 27-28 October, 2014 saw a total of 87 papers reviewed by the 18 resource persons appointed by ISDEV. These papers were presented within 3 concurrent sessions of which each concurrent session is held at six different venues. 

The resource person - Dr Mohd Zaini (top left) and the three presenters in four different venues during the
First Concurrent Session of INGRAW 2014

All papers had undergone strict review by the 18 resource persons appointed for INGRAW 2014. The resource persons consisted of ISDEV lecturers and ISDEV Research Fellows from within USM as well as outside of USM. Among those involved are the newly appointed ISDEV lecturers, Dr Wannorhaniza (who was also the Chairperson of the organising committee for INGRAW 2014), Dr Mohd Syakir and Dr Shahir Akram. Of course Dr Zakaria, Dr Zahri, Dr Zaini, Dr Fadzila Azni and Dr Mohd Shukri were also involved in giving their reviews during the concurrent sessions. 

Putting a point across - the various styles and positions adopted by presenters during INGRAW 2014

From within USM, there were Dr Fatan Hamamah and Dr Nailul Murad both of School of Distance Education and Dr Nor Asmat of School of Social Sciences while from outside USM there were Dr Mohamad Helmi Hidthiir of Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Dr Razali Othman of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Dr Mulia Saputra of Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh to provide useful pointers and feedback to presenters on how best they could improve their working papers for publication purposes.

Participants totally absorbed in the intellectually stimulating atmosphere

In the meantime, these 87 papers were categorized according to the sub-themes in INGRAW 2014 consisting of Development, Human Development, Leadership, Islamic Services, Banking, Zakat, Celestial Assets, Quality & Halal Management, Current Issues, Consumerism and Consumer Behaviour, Research Methodology & Hadith and Islamic Scriptures and Thoughts.

Not wanting to miss good bargains and more importantly good scholarly Islamic books.
Three sisters are totally engaged in reading the synopsis of the books on sale.

ISDEV did not miss the opportunity to promote some of the books written by ISDEV members. A special booth displaying the various articles (in the form of ISDEV Paper Series) and publications by ISDEV members were on sale. Participants did not miss the chance the buy the books at a special discount given in conjunction with INGRAW 2014.

Monday, November 3, 2014


Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) as saying: The most excellent fast after Ramadan is Allah's month al-Muharram, and the most excellent prayer after the prescribed prayer is the prayer during night [Hadith from Sunan Abi Dawud, No. 2429].