Friday, October 31, 2014


The participants of INGRAW 2014

ISDEV with the cooperation of the Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS), recently co-organised the 9th ISDEV International Graduate Workshop 2014 (INGRAW 2014) at the University Conference Hall (DPU) of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Pulau Pinang. The two days conference was held with the focused aim to provide the platform for research students at the Master or PhD levels to present and share their researches that are related to Islam to fellow participants.

USM Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Prof. Dato' Dr Mohamad Jantan,
delivering the Keynote Address

There were two Keynote Addresses delivered at INGRAW 2014. On the first day, the Keynote Address was delivered by Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Professor Dato' Dr. Mohamad Jantan on “Graduate Supervision: Expectations of Supervisors”. The second Keynote Address was delivered by ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh on “Expectations of a Thesis Examiner” on the last day of INGRAW .

ISDEV Director, Prof. Dr. Muuhammad Syukri Salleh delivering the 2nd Keynote Address

INGRAW 2014 was held from 27 till 28 October 2014. A total of 87 papers were presented ranging from topics on “Development, Human Development, Leadership, Islamic Services, Zakat,Quality and Halal Management, Consumerism, Celestial Asset, Management and Governance, Current and Social Issues, Research Methodology and Hadith, Banking as well as Islamic Scripture and Thoughts.” In the meantime 18 resource persons from within USM and outside USM such as from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh were roped-in to assess and provide feedback as to how best the presenters can improve the working papers submitted especially for publication purposes.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Syukri (right) presenting a token of appreciation to Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohamad Jantan (left).

The closing remark for the conference was given by Dr. Wan Norhaniza Wan Hasan, Chairperson of the 9th INGRAW 2014 Organizing Committee while RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student, Shereeza Mohamed Saniff, served as the Master of the Ceremony throughout the two days workshop. INGRAW 2014 was officially declared closed by the Acting Dean of IPS, Professor Dr. Fauziah Ahmad.

Prof. Dr. Fauziah Ahmad (right) receiving a token of appreciation, symbolising ISDEV heartfelt gratitude to IPS,
from Prof. Dr. .Muhammad Syukri (left).

Monday, October 27, 2014


We were your allies in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. And you will have therein whatever your souls desire, and you will have therein whatever you request [Fussilat, 41:31].

Friday, October 24, 2014


The cover of the Majlis Persada Kencana 2014 Programme Book.

14 ISDEV students recently received the awards in their respective categories during the ‘Majlis Persada Kencana 2014 (MPK 2014)’ held at Dewan Budaya, Universiti Sains Malaysia on Monday afternoon, 20 October 2014. The 14 students consist of 11 MISDEV'11 (ISDEV Postgraduate Mixed-Mode) students and 2 RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by research) students and 1 ISDEV Alumni member.
Azreen Hamiza (right) one of the eleven ISDEV Excellent Dissertation Award 2013 winners, receiving
her certificate from Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Development), Professor Dr. Adnan Hussein.

The 11 MISDEV’11 received the “ISDEV Excellent Dissertation Award 2013” in the School Awards Winners category while Dr.Mohd Shukri Hanapi (ISDEV Alumni) and Khatijah Othman (RISDEV student) received the “Prestigious External Award”.
Winner of the Prestigious External Award, Khatijah Othman (right) receiving the recognition from
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry & Community Network), Professor Dato' Dr See Ching Mey.

MPK 2014 with the theme on Dreams to Reality also saw two ISDEV postgraduate students clinching top honours. Within the cohort of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, for the PhD category, Shereeza Mohamed Saniff (RISDEV student) won The Best Research award with her research on “A Conceptual Analysis of the Islamic-based Development Actor for Contractual Documents in Islamic Asset Management” while for the Masters category, Intan Nursyuhada Mohamad Nasir (MISDEV '11 student) won the Best Student Award (Coursework & Mixed-Mode).
Shereeza (right) receiving the prestigious Persada Kencana Award from USM Vice Chancellor, Prof Dato' Omar Osman for the category Best Research (PhD for Liberal Arts & Social Sciences).

MPK 2014 provides recognition to six categories of awards for students. The two major categories are the Persada Kencana Awards for Best Research and Best Thesis (for research students) and Best Student (for coursework & mixed-mode students). The remaining categories are The School Award Winners, Prestigious External Award and the Sanggar Sanjung Awards (Publications & Patents). There was an ISDEV student in receipt of an award that day in almost every category. ISDEV is indeed privileged and honoured to have helped these students to achieve academic excellence and accomplished prestigious recognition by  USM. It is hoped that their achievements have in some ways helped to raise the image of Islam and ISDEV too.
Intan Nursyuhada (right) winner of the ISDEV Excellent Thesis Award 2013 as well as for Best Student (Mixed-Mode) receiving the honours from Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students Affairs & Development),
Professor Dr. Adnan Hussein.

According to Intan Nursyahada who won the Best Student (Coursework & Mixed Mode), she is grateful for this award. In fact to her this award has made her to be more conscientious in her studies especially since she aspires to pursue her studies to the next level (PhD) which will commence early next year.

The winners taking a photo with ISDEV Director, Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh (front - centre),
who was at Dewan Budaya, USM throughout MPK 2014.

All winners received a certificate to commemorate the awards with the winners of the Persada Kencana Award receiving some monetary remunerations. The main award was presented by USM Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman. Also on hand to present the other awards were Deputies Vice-Chancellors, Professor Dato' Dr. Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal, Professor Dato' Dr. See Ching Mey, Professor Dr. Adnan Hussein and Professor Dr. Muhamad Jantan. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Due to unavoidable circumstances, the date of the 8th ISDEV International Conference on Islamic Development Management (IDMAC 2014) themed Islamic Political Economy previously scheduled on 2nd-3rd December 2014 is now changed to 9th-10th December 2014. Venue and time remain.
ISDEV apologizes for any inconveniences that this change of date may cause.


The well received ISDEV Qurban Lunch in conjunction with Aidiladha at the Chancellory Foyer.

In line with the spirit of Aidiladha, this great celebration which is iconised by the major obligations namely performance of the hajj and the highly rewarded nawafil act of sacrifice to gain the blessings of Allah SWT as well as to cherish the teachings of Allah SWT, ISDEV took this opportunity to celebrate Aidiladha via having a Qurban lunch during the last day of tashriq, on 8 October 2014.

The recitation of doa  before starting the meal led by Dr. Mohd Syakir.
The Qurban lunch was held at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Chancellory Building and was held specially for the staff of the USM Chancellory (Vice-Chancellor's Office, Registrar Department, Bursary, Human Resource, Public Relations Office, Admission Department, Human Transformation Centre, etc). 

Part of the course work, MISDEV'13 brothers are required to help in the sacrificial slaughtering of the cow.

Doing it together, MISDEV'13 skinning the sacrificial slaughtered cow.
The day before the Qurban lunch, the sacrificial slaughter of a cow on behalf of ISDEV members was held at Nur Afifah Abu Hassan’s (MISDEV’13 student) house. The beef was then distributed to ISDEV members and the villagers.

MISDEV'13 sisters meanwhile are seen busy preparing the meal together with the villagers.

Preparing to distribute fresh beef.
According to ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh, the main purpose of this event was not only having a Qurban lunch for the guests but it was meant to provide a practical training of conducting the animal slaughter for MISDEV’13 in line with their course Pembangunan Insaniah (Human Development) that they are taking this semester. The course requires them to do a slaughter of an animal. However, other ISDEV members and students who wanted hands-on experience on the process of slaughter were also welcome to participate. 

Some of the guests that came for the ISDEV Qurban lunch.

Besides that, the purpose of the Qurban lunch was also to express ISDEV's gratitude to the staff of USM Chancellory for their help in all matters throughout ISDEV elevated status as a Centre of Excellence.

Prof. Syukri (right) entertaining one of ISDEV guests

Prof. Syukri also added that this event will become ISDEV annual event for upcoming years and  gave ISDEV commitment that Qurban lunch will be prepared for other departments and school by rotation. 

The VIP guests for the Qurban lunch.

Also present on that day were USM Vice-Chancellor, Prof Dato' Omar Osman, Deputies Vice-Chancellors, Bursar and Heads of the various Chancellory Departments who were ISDEV Honoured Guests.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Eisa bin Hafs bin 'Asim said: "My father told me: 'I was with Ibn Umar on a journey, and he prayed Zuhr and 'Asr with two rak'ahs each, then he went and sat on his carpet. He saw some people offering voluntary prayers and said: What are these people doing? I said: They are offering voluntary prayers. He said: If I had wanted to pray before and after (the obligatory prayer) I would have offered it in full. I accompanied the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and he did not pray more than two rak'ahs when traveling, and Abu Bakr (did likewise) until he died, as did 'Umar and 'Uthman, may Allah (SWT) be pleased with them all." [Hadith from the English Translation of Sunan an-Nasa'i, Vol. 2, Book 15, Hadith 1459, Grade: Sahih].

Friday, October 17, 2014


ISDEV is organizing The 8th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference (IDMAC 2014) with the theme "Islamic Political Economy". The 2-days conference is scheduled to be held on 9 December until 10 December 2014 at the University Conference Hall, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

The deadline for the submission of abstract is on 1 November 2014. All abstracts are to be emailed directly to Dr. Mohd Syakir Mohd Rosdi at or the secretariat of IDMAC 2014 at

Further details of the conference are available at

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


On 10 October 2014, one RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student and two MISDEV'13 (ISDEV Postgraduate Mixed-Mode) students presented their PhD research proposal and Master Dissertations proposal respectively. There were close to 50 ISDEV members consisting of ISDEV lecturers and postgraduate students at the Conference Room of C06, School of Social Sciences.

The three candidates were RISDEV student, Mohd. Shahmir Alias and the two MISDEV'13 students, Fathin Amalina Yaacob and Siti Sakinah Syed Hamzah.

Passionate about his research, Mohd Shamir stressing a point.

The first presenter was Mohd.Shahmir Alias who defended his research proposal on "Bebas Nilai Dalam Penyelidikan: Kajian Dari Perspektif Aksiologi Penyelidikan Berteraskan Islam". The candidate is supervised by Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi while his research proposal was commented by Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad.

The second session continued with MISDEV’13 presentation. It started with Siti Sakinah Syed Hamzah who presented on "Konsep Pelancongan Islam Berdasarkan Prinsip Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam". She is supervised by Dr. Fadzila Azni Hamat while Dr. Wan Norhaniza Wan Hasan acted as her co-supervisor.

A fairly nerve-racking experience for Siti Sakinah.

The last person of the day to present was Fathin Amalina Yaacob. She presented on "Isu-isu Zakat Dalam Media Arus Perdana". She is supervised by Dr. Zahri Hamat while her co-supervisor is Dr. Zakaria Bahari. Both of these MISDEV'13 students each presented Chapters 1 to 3 of their dissertations.

A serene smile on the exterior successfully covers Fathin's nervous and tense interior.

All of the candidates tried their best to explain the details of the contents of their research proposal. A number of questions were directed to them immediately following their presentations. The questions fielded included those by ISDEV lecturers as well as fellow postgraduate students, both RISDEV and MISDEV'13 and MISDEV'14.

After a detailed evaluation and comments given by ISDEV lecturers, all of them finally received the good news that they could proceed to the next stage of their PhD thesis and dissertations with modifications to be carried out based on the feedback given by the evaluators.

The ever-expanding ISDEV fraternity at C06.
They were elated with joy upon hearing that they have been given the endorsement to proceed their thesis and dissertations proper. They expressed their gratitude to Allah SWT and to their respective supervisors and co-supervisors for the guidance in helping them in writing their thesis as well as dissertations.

Heartiest Congratulations to the three candidates!

Monday, October 13, 2014


(He) who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving [al-Mulk, 67: 2].

Saturday, October 11, 2014


A good turnout on a Saturday morning at the Social Sciences Interactive Room.

Located at Social Sciences Interactive Room, the 5th ISDEV-DBP Book Writing Workshop was successfully held on a Saturday, 20 September 2014. It was part of the endeavours in realising the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) bertween ISDEV and DBP that was been signed during the Vice-Chancellor's Annual Message on 5th January 2012. The workshop was organized by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) in collaboration with ISDEV. 

Puan Rokiah, DBP editor, giving some pointers to help ISDEV budding authors with their works.

The workshop was led by DBP Editor, Puan Rokiah and was held in an informal and relaxed manner. Each author was required to make an appointment with their own Editor to meet and discuss further on the progress of their manuscripts.It is hoped that the discussion would benefit the development of their writings.

Norazilawati (right) making a point with her assigned editor, Puan Rokiah (left)

The main essence of this workshop was to get to know each author's respective editors and do a review of the book's manuscript together. The workshop provided the best possible avenue and opportunity for ISDEV budding authors to attain tips and guidance in their writing. 

Shahmi (left) in deep discussion with the DBP editor assigned to him.

With the 12 books that were officially launched in early 2014, ISDEV is confident of producing more scholarly books for the market with a target of not only 20 books but 46 books to be published by DBP early next year, in sha Allah.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


ISDEV members at a dinner celebrating the retirement of 3 ISDEV members.

In conjunction with the retirement of three ISDEV members, ISDEV Director,  Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh, Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Fatah Che Hamat and ISDEV Statistician Encik Abdul Aziz Tahar, a simple dinner reception was held on 3 September 2014 at the Pan Mutiara Restaurant, Batu Maung, Pulau Pinang.
(Right to left) Dr Zari, Encik Abdul Aziz and Assoc. Prof. Abdul Fatah after eating their meal.

The purpose of the event was to celebrate Prof Syukri and Dr. Abdul Fatah retirement which was on 31st July 2014 and 31st March, 2014 respectively. However, both of them have been re-appointed on a contract basis. Prof. Syukri Salleh has been appointed for  a duration of three more years beginning 1 August 2014 till 31 July 2017. He has also been reappointed as ISDEV Director beginning 1 May 2014 till 31 December 2015.
Commemorating the occasion, ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr Zakaria (left) present the calligraphy of Surah Al-Fatehah to ISDEV Director, Prof Syukri Salleh (right)

Also invited for that night were ISDEV lecturers, ISDEV supporting staff, ISDEV ASTS and two special guests from Bandung, Indonesia, Dr. Atih Rohaeti Dariah (one of ISDEV Co-Researchers of the Research University Team (RUT)) and Ade Yunita Mafruhat (MISDEV’14).
Having a light moment together after dinner.

ISDEV Statistician, Encik Abdul Aziz Tahar who is retiring on February 2015 was also included in the celebrations that night. All of them were invited to deliver a simple speech and to give an advice from the heart to all those present.

A token of appreciation for their services to ISDEV were also given to them presented by ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr. Zakaria Bahari.
A gift from the heart received by all three retired ISDEV members.

Monday, October 6, 2014


It was narrated that 'Amr bin Muslim said: "Ibn Al-Musayyab told me that Umm Salamah, the wife of the Prophet told him that the Messenger of Allah said: 'Whoever wants to offer a sacrifice, let him not remove anything from his nails or cut his hair for the first ten days Dhul-Hijjah."' [Hadith from Sunan al-Nasa'i, No. 4362].

Friday, October 3, 2014


Great day for Deicy Natalis Karamoy (seated-2nd from right) who was all smiles after her viva. A photo taken with her panel of examiners.

After four years struggling as a postgraduate student simultaneously carrying out the responsibilities of a wife as well as a mother to her children, Deicy Natalia Karamoy could finally exhale a sigh of relief when her dreams of attaining the title "Dr" finally managed to become a reality. 

Part of the 30-strong ISDEV members who were there to give their support.

On 26 September 2014, on a blessed Friday morning, Deicy Natalia had to face her viva voce.  30 ISDEV members were also there to give her their support as well as witness her demeanour in answering the questions from her examiners.

The External Examiner, Prof. Dr. Abdullah @ Alwi, asking her some of  the Arabic terms she used in her PhD Thesis.
A fully poised and alert Deicy answering a question posed by the examiner.

Her viva's Board of Examiners consisted of Professor Dr. Abdullah @ Alwi Hj.Hassan of Asia e University (AeU), as the External Examiner, Dr. Mohd Zaini Abu Bakar and Dr. Zakaria Bahari as the Internal Examiners while Dr. Noreha Hj. Hashim represented the Dean of Social Sciences, Deicy Natalia who defend her research on “Pengelolaan Dana Masjid di Manado Menurut Undang-undang Indonesia" (Administration of Masjid Fund in Manado according to the Laws of Indonesia) had answered all the questions well with an excellent display of self composure. The chairperson for her viva was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, from the School of Distant Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 

A joyous day for Deicy's supervisors, Dr Zahri (left) and Dr Fadzila Azni (right).

Dr. Zahri Hamat and Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad, her main and her co-supervisor respectively, were also present during her viva. Both of them also displayed an air of poised composure towards Deicy’s presentation.

Assoc Prof Dr Anton (2nd from right), agrees with  Dr Noreha (2nd from left) on a point
while Dr Zaini (right) and Prof Dr. Abdullah @Alwi (left) look on.

After one and a half hour of defending her thesis, finally the Chairperson, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anton announced that Deicy Natalia aced her viva with Grade “1”. She also received the nominations for the "Best PhD Thesis" award at least at the university's level. She is the 12th RISDEV (ISDEV Postgraduate by Research) student in 2014 to have been awarded with an excellent result for viva by the examiners.

Dr Norehan (2nd from left) requesting Deicy to clarify whether there is the equivalence
of the Shariah Judiciary Department in Manado, Indonesia.

With the success of Deicy on her viva it has proven that ISDEV is not only able to produce successful Muslim students, but also proves that non-Muslim students can also thrive in their postgraduate studies at ISDEV. This is very much in line with ISDEV aim to uphold Islam, regardless of race, ethnicity and religion.

This success is also expected to be an example and acts as an encouragement to other non-Muslims to explore the field of studies on Islam. This also proves that indeed Islam is so universal that it can be explored by everyone. 

Flanked by her two supervisors. (From right to left) Dr Fadzila Azni, Deicy and Dr Zahri.
Deicy's success created a new record for ISDEV. Deicy Natalia is the first non-Muslim RISDEV student to have completed her PhD with ISDEV. She had successfully embarked on a research in the Islamic field and had successfully achieved her dream to have the title "Dr" added to her name.

Congratulations Deicy!