Tuesday, April 29, 2014


 Not wanting to miss a point, ISDEV students diligently taking down notes of the lecture

This month’s ISDEV Monthly Supervision was held at the Dewan Kuliah A of Universiti Sains Malaysia on Friday, 25 April 2014. Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad served as the Chairperson throughout the session.

Instead of the usual "Tarbiyah Pengarah ISDEV” series delivered by ISDEV Director Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh, the session was replaced with a final briefing on the upcoming academic trip to Medan, Indonesia on 4 until 9 May 2014 for the 7th Workshop Antarabangsa Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam (7th WAPI). Prof Syukri provided a verbal checklist to ISDEV members on the "what needs to be done" and on the "what needs to be brought" for the trip.

Prof. Syukri providing a brief to ISDEV members on the upcoming trip to Medan for the 7th WAPI

In addition Prof Syukri shared some interesting experiences of the previous few trips ISDEV made to Medan for WAPI.  He also reminded ISDEV members to be mindful of their akhlaq (good and noble characters) as they were not only carrying ISDEV's name but also that of the university and more importantly that of Islam.

Prof Syukri also informed ISDEV fraternity that USM Vice Chancellor, Professor Dato' Dr. Omar Osman will be joining ISDEV for this trip. Prof. Dato' Dr. Omar is expected to deliver the Keynote Address for the 7th WAPI as  well as the 6th International Conference on Islamic Development (ICID). A total of 70 ISDEV members will be travelling to Medan. This is the biggest entourage of ISDEV thus far travelling to Medan, Indonesia.

Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad delivering her explanation on 'Thesis Refencing Format - APA style'

After the briefing, Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad, then led the second session with a detailed explanation on the Thesis Referencing Format - APA style. Her notes were based on the latest edition of the APA style (the 6th edition).

An open discussion - Hanani, a RISDEV student, posing a question

A number of students took the opportunity presented to ask for further clarifications and refinements of how citations and references need to be written in the texts of the thesis as well as in the list of reference at the end of the thesis.

Monday, April 28, 2014


And it is He who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful [al-'An'aam, 6:165].

Friday, April 25, 2014


One of MISDEV'13'student's slide presentation

The last three weeks of this April is akin to a nightmare to all MISDEV'13 (Postgraduate Mixed-Mode) student because each of them has to present the proposal of their dissertations. A total of 36 MISDEV'13 students have been divided into six groups consisting of six students in each group. The first two groups have presented their proposals on 16 April 2014 and on 23 April, 2014.

Mahirah Ramli (right), a MISDEV'13 student presenting her dissertation proposal while Dr Shukri Hanapi (left) listens

Todate two groups have presented their proposals while three groups are anxiously awaiting their turn. A total of 12 students have presented at the Conference Room C06 of the School of Social Sciences, starting at 9.30 am and ending well after 1.30 pm.

ISDEV Director, Prof. Syukri (centre) giving some pointers to MISDEV'13 students

These two groups of MISDEV'13 students presented their dissertation proposals in front of their supervisors as well as other ISDEV lecturers who all acted as evaluators. ISDEV lecturers freely gave their comments and suggestions on how the students in each of the proposal presented could improve their research as well as their dissertations proper. The remaining students from the other four groups will be presenting their dissertations on April 30, May 14, 21 and 28.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Ustaz Shahir Akram (right) receiving the 3rd place prize from Pusat Islam Director,  Prof. Dato' Muhammad Idiris Saleh

On Saturday 19 April, 2014 ISDEV sent two teams to participate in the Sukan Rakan Masjid 2014 organised by Pusat Islam, USM. The  ISDEV Team comprised of the ISDEV Futsal Club (IFC) as well as the ISDEV Netball Club (INC) team. The  ISDEV Team was only assembled on the Tuesday before the event. However despite the short notice and an almost non-existant training schedule both team had done tremendously well! 

The determined-to-win attitude of the ISDEV Futsal Club players

The IFC headed by Ustaz  Shahir Akram played against four teams in Group A comprising of Rakan Masjid Al-Malik Khalid, Qaryah 1 Sungai Dua, Pusat Sukan USM and IPPT (Institut Perubatan dan Pergigian Termaju). The team managed to practise only once before the big day. IFC was in high spirits that day as family members were also roped in to cheer the team on.

A jubilant  ISDEV Team with their winnings

The battle into the finals for the third placing was indeed fierce and ferocious which saw two IFC members sustaining injuries. However such sacrifice was all sweetness as IFC managed to secure third placing. 

A netball game in session - ISDEV vs  Rakan Masjid Al-Malik Khalid

As for the INC team, the newly assembled team quickly used the short span of time they had to practise. With the help of personnel from the Setor Unit Sukan, Encik Nordin, the use of netballs, bibs as well as the netball court was well utilized by the INC team almost every evening before the game.

The physically fit sisters of ISDEV. The INS Team - not just beauty and brains but brawns as well. 

On that day the INC team played against two teams, Rakan Masjid Al-Malik Khalid and Persatuan Pelajar Islam Sabah (Persis). All INC team members had a chance to taste playing for ISDEV. The final score saw the INC team taking the Runner-Up placing. Although this was the inaugural and pioneer batch for the INC, the team has a coach Nur Afifah Abu Hassan of MISDEV13 (Postgraduate Mixed-mode) student and a manager, Lenny Luat a RISDEV (Postgraduate Research Mode) student. 

The INC Team Representative, Shereeza receiving the First Runner-Up Prize for Netball from Pusat Islam Director, Prof. Dato' Muhammad Idiris Saleh. With her is her youngest son. 

All in all it was a great day and the ISDEV Team played a great game. Every ISDEV member had a great time. The winning prizes were presented by Prof. Dato' Muhammad Idiris Saleh, Pusat Islam Director, Universiti Sains Malaysia.


Sunday, April 20, 2014


Anas Radiyallahu 'anhu reports: A woman came to Rasulullah Salallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam and said: I would like to speak to you in private'. Rasulullah Salallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam replied: 'Sit on any street of Madinah and I will come there and listen to you'" [Reference: Shama'il Muhammadiyah, Book 47: The Humbleness of Sayyidina Rasoolullah, Hadith 314].

Friday, April 18, 2014


ISDEV brothers - ready to be intellectually captivated

“Good proposal with minimum of errors”. Those were the comments received by RISDEV (Postgraduate Research Mode) student, Shereeza Mohamed Saniff regarding her PhD proposal presented on 24 March 2014 at C06, School of Social Sciences. She was one of the two RISDEV candidates who presented their PhD research proposals. The other candidate was Nurbani Md. Hassan.

Knowing her stuff - Shereeza (in green headgear) presenting her PhD proposal

Shereeza presented on the title A Conceptual Analysis of the Islamic–based Development Actor for Contractual Documents in Islamic Asset Management received positive comments from ISDEV lecturers especially the evaluator, Dr. Zakaria Bahari. Dr. Zakaria commented that except for the slight technical errors in her PhD proposal, the meticulous writing coupled with the determination in her work left hardly any room for arguments to deny the facts used in her writings.

Nurbani's (second from right) ability to firmly stand her ground provided a lasting positive impression

The second candidate, Nurbani Md. Hassan, then presented her proposal on Microfinance Program for Zakat Institution: Analysis and Proposed Implementation. Her presentation was also considered unusual as she was given the thumbs up for the tenacity in defending her PhD proposal. Scores of questions were asked to her from ISDEV lecturers and students but at every question she was ready with an answer or response. She defended her proposal with confidence and much aplomb.

Prof. Syukri (left) summing up the two presentations of that day

ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh summed up the positive aspects from the two presentations that he hoped ISDEV students can emulate. According to Prof. Syukri, the attitude shown by the two RISDEV students ought to be in each and every student of ISDEV. One is the care taken in choosing facts that the information presented left no room for anyone to rebut the facts presented. The other positive attitude is to be well versed and acquainted with one’s objective and purpose of embarking in one’s research so that one can firmly stand ground and not easily swayed to accept ideas, information or thoughts if one feels that it is not appropriate and not relevant.

At the end, both candidates get the thumbs up to proceed further their PhD research. Prof. Syukri reminded all ISDEV students to make an example from these two RISDEV candidates in both their effort and attitude that have showcased the potential to produce writings and research of high quality.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


An attentive audience at the packed conference room of C23

As usual, the ISDEV Monthly Graduate Supervision for March was divided into two sessions. It was held on 25 March 2014 at C23, School of Social Sciences. The first session was the Tarbiyyah Pengarah ISDEV delivered by Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh. The second session continued with an introductory explanation of ATLAS.ti (computer software program) by a RISDEV (Postgraduate Research Mode) student, Razali Othman. 

Prof. Syukri giving his monthly address on "Pautan Hati" (Bondage of the Hearts)

For this month's Tarbiyyah Pengarah ISDEV, Prof. Syukri addressed ISDEV members on another element of importance to the ISDEV fraternity 'Pautan Hati' (Bondage of the Hearts). It is a continuity of his address on the need for ISDEV members to venture out with "Oceanic Intellectual" capability thus enabling ISDEV to be a "Magnetic Institution" by attracting all those who are passionate about glorifying Islam especially through the academic route into ISDEV. According to Prof Syukri, this 'Pautan Hati' is more effective than the attraction of magnets as it brings about a sense of belonging and a safe haven to all its members. But to attain this 'Pautan Hati' Prof Syukri stressed the need for the process of tazkiyyah al-nafs (cleansing of the heart).

Razali Othman (centre) introducing his presentation on ATLAS.ti

In the second session, Razali Othman took his turn to deliver his explanation and shared his experience as well as knowledge of using ATLAS.ti (computer software program) to all ISDEV members. According to him, the purpose of ATLAS.ti is to help researchers uncover and systematically analyze complex phenomena hidden in unstructured data especially in dealing with a qualitative research (text, multimedia, geospatial). The program provides tools that let the user locate, code, and annotate findings in primary data material, to weigh and evaluate their importance, and visualize the often complex relations between them. He then gave a practical lesson by showing how ATLAS.ti was able to consolidate large volumes of data and keep track of all notes, annotations, codes and memos which he gathered during the empirical part of his PhD research. His explanation and examples received several questions from other RISDEV students who are keen to apply ATLAS.ti in their research.

A detailed explanation provided by Razali using the data he collected for his PhD thesis

Monday, April 14, 2014


Then We will surely relate (their deeds)  to them with knowledge, and We were not (at all)  absent [al-A'raaf, 7:7].

Friday, April 11, 2014


The presentation slides prepared by Prof. Syukri 

On 8 April 2014,  12 ISDEV members consisting of two lecturers and ten RISDEV (Postgraduate Research Mode) students attended a Roundtable Discussion organized by the School of Finance, Economics and Business (SEFB), College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman. 

The academic staff of UUM with ISDEV members were eager to listen and gain knowledge from
Prof  Syukri Salleh (with a white cap)

The delegates were led by ISDEV Director Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh who received the invitation to address the faculty members of SEFB. The talk on "Integrating Islamic Perspective in Economics?" started at about 9.00 am and ended about 1.00 pm that day. 

Prof Syukri (left) with the chairperson for the discussion, Mohamad Helmi (right) 

After the talk, a question and answer session followed whereby a few faculty members revealed to Prof. Syukri on their realization for the need to include the Islamic perspective in teaching mainstream economics to the students. Prof. Syukri then invited ISDEV Deputy Director, Dr. Zakaria Bahari to provide some light on ISDEV experience. 

A group photo at Assoc. Prof Ab. Aziz's residence with Dr Nasri of UUM who hosted ISDEV members the day before. Seated from right to left - Dr Zakaria, Prof Syukri and Dr Nasri. Standing from right to left - Murni, Assoc. Prof. Aziz's wife, Shereeza, Zulkifli, Razali, Shahir Akram, Kasyful, Mohamad Helmi and Assoc. Prof. Ab. Aziz

Also included in the discussion were Shahir Akram Hassan, Razali Othman, Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad, Kasyful Mahalli, Shereeza Mohamed Saniff, Murni Yusoff, Nor Hanani Ismail, Raziah Tahir, Assoc. Prof. Ab. Aziz Yusof,  Mohamad Helmi Hidthiir and Abdul Muif Abdul Wahab.

Monday, April 7, 2014


After Suraya Ismail passed with flying colours in her viva voce in February 2014, three other RISDEV (Postgraduate Research Mode) students have also done ISDEV proud. They are Wan Anisah Wan Endut, Radieah Mohd Nor and Mohamad Helmi Hidthiir who had received outstanding accolades for their theses not just well-written and researched but excellently defended as well.

A prepared and composed Wan Anisah Wan Endut (front)

On 14 March 2014, located at C23, School of Social Sciences, Wan Anisah Endut had to defend her thesis entitled "Perakaunan Zakat Saham di Malaysia: Asas dan Kaedah Amalan"  (Zakat Accounting of Shares in Malaysia: Fundamentals and Methods of Practice).

The tense atmosphere while Wan Anisah answered the questions posed by the examiners
Her viva session was chaired by Datuk Dr. Abdul Khalil Shawkataly from the School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia while her internal examiners were Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh and Dr. Zakaria Bahari. Dr. Nor Hafizah Selamat (represented the Dean) while Dr. Zahri Hamat, (her supervisor) and Dr.Fadzila Azni Ahmad (her co-supervisor) were also present that day. Wan Anisah impressed her examiners with her calm yet poised disposition in answering the questions posed to her.

 A very calm disposition exhibited by Radieah

On 1 April 2014, both Radieah Mohd Nor and Mohamad Helmi Hidthiir had to brave though their viva voce at C06, School of Social Sciences on the same day but at two different slots. Radieah's viva was held in the morning which saw her defending her PhD Thesis on "Asas-asas Pengurusan Kemiskinan Mengikut Umar Abdul Aziz" (Fundamentals of Poverty Management According to Umar Abdul Aziz).

Part of Radieah's panel of examiners (from right to left) Dr Zahri, Dr Zaini, Professor Norhashimah and
Dr Nor Malina Malek

Radieah managed to exhibit her profound knowledge on the research that she embarked upon which had given a positive impression to her examiners. The examiners consisted of the Dean of School of Social Sciences, Dr. Nor Malina Malek, Dr. Zaini and Dr. Zahri Hamat were the internal examiners while Prof. Dr. Joni Tamkin Borhan from Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya (UM) as the external examiner. Her viva was chaired by Professor Norhashimah Hashim of the School of Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Mohamad Helmi confidently answers the questions posed

In the meantime, Mohamad Helmi Hidthiir's turn to face the examiners for his viva voce took place in the afternoon. A confident Mohamad Helmi managed to impress his examiners with his research on "Financial and Liquidity Risks Underlying Debt Financing Modes and Economic Conditions: An Empirical Analysis of Islamic Banks in Malaysia" with an air of confidence yet acute humility that he showcased while defending his thesis.

 Prof Joni Tamkin (left) posing a question

Mohamad Helmi is the student of Dr. Zakaria Bahari with Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad acting as his co-supervisor. Associate Professor Dr. Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim served as the representative of the Dean while the external examiner was also Professor Joni Tamkin of UM. The two internal examiners were Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh and Dr. Zahri Hamat.

Mohamad Helmi (four from right) with the panel of examiners 

So far the theses that have gone for viva voce in 2014 have been mentioned to be of high standards and deserved to be nominated for the best thesis award at least at the university's level.

Congratulations to them!


('Abdullah) Ibn Abi Al-Awfa narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "(Indeed) Allah is with the judge as long as he is not unjust. So when he is unjust, He leaves him and he is attended by Shaitan." [Grade: Hasan, Reference: Jami' al-Tirmidhi, Vol 3, Book 13, Hadith 1330].