The first candidate, Suraya Ismail presented her proposal on 'The Thinking of Shari'ah Advisor Council in Malaysia and Its Implications on the Construction of Islamic Bank's Products", while the second candidate, Mohamad Hilmi Hidthir presented his proposal on 'The Macroeconomic Condition and Debt Financing Mode: An Empirical Analysis of Financing Risk, Liquidity Risk, and Financial Stability on Islamic Banks in Malaysia".

Suraya Ismail (above) and Mohamad Hilmi Hidthir (below) listening to questions fielded to them
During the presentations, both of them tried their best to explain in detail about their proposals. Scores of questions to them ensued their presentations which included questions fielded by Dr Zakaria Bahari as the assessor of Suraya's PhD research proposal and Dr Tajul Arifin Masron as the assessor of Hilmi's PhD research proposal.
After a detailed evaluation, both Suraya and Hilmi finally received the good news that their PhD research proposal were accepted. They have been given the endorsement to proceed with their thesis proper, under the supervision of Prof Muhammad Syukri Salleh and Dr Zakaria Bahari respectively.
Dr Tajul Arifin Masron commenting on Hilmi's proposal
Parts of the ISDEV graduate students attending the proposal defense