Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
13-14Dec- With the cooperation of all ISDEV members, the 5th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference (IDMAC2011) was successfully organized as scheduled. The conference was held from 13 till 14 December at the University's Conference Hall with more than 100 participants attending. A total of 62 papers were presented on the one and half-day of conference divided into three segments with five concurrent sessions each. The unique part about IDMAC2011 is the existence of participants that came from Thailand and Pakistan.
Prof Syukri with participant from Pakistan, Associate Professor Dr Muhammad Abdullah of Gomal University
Two keynote addresses were delivered during the two day conference. The first Keynote Address was by ISDEV Director, Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh on "Preliminary Understanding of Islamic Marketing and Asset Management". ISDEV's esteemed guest from Thailand, Dr. Tobrani Abd.Latif, Leader of the Ban Nua community, Hatyai, Songkla, Thailand delivered the second keynote address on the second day pertaining to " An Islamic Grassroot Approach to Asset Management: The Ban Nua Experience".

It truly was an honor and privilege to all participants to have a chance to listen to these keynote addresses as both the theoretical and practical aspects on the theme of IDMAC2011 "Islamic Marketing and Asset Management" were covered.

A simple closing ceremony was held on the noon of the second day with the closing remarks given by Dr. Zakaria Bahari, Chairman of IDMAC2011.

6 Dec- Proud and arrogant. These are the two negative traits that should not be in all human beings. That was what Ustaz Shukri Hanapi stressed in his Tazkirah for this week Tuesday's lecture.
According to him, based from the verses in the Quran there is nothing to be proud of with our abilities and possessions. This is because all that happens is through Allah SWT authority and permission. He gave an example of someone embued with a beautiful face, wealth, position and advantages that are not owned bt other people and that these traits could become the main cause that made that person forget the advantages of these given traits. It should be noted there is no perfect human nature. Perhaps we are given the added advantage in certain traits but we have disadvantages from the perspective of others. So we must not be proud and arrogant because nobody is perfect.
The second session continued with Ustaz Syahir who focused on Tajwid. He continued his lessons on the variety of Al-Madud that are divided into two main categories, Al-Mad bi sababib al- sukun and Al-Mad bi sababib al-hamza'.
Sunday, January 15, 2012

2 Dec- The opportunity of visiting Bandung, Indonesia with 3 other ISDEV lecturers recently has given the opportunity for Ustaz Shukri Hanapi to share a- 1001- story with ISDEV members. This was exactly what he did when given the opportunity to deliver Tazkirah during ISDEV Monthly Supervision for the month of December at the Conference Room C06, School of Social Sciences. Ustaz Shukri took this opportunity wisely to share their amazing experiences in Bandung in front of 70 attendees consisting of lecturers and students.