A farewell cake for Dr Abdul Hameed Khan AbbasiIn a short span of nine months, ISDEV Post Doctoral Fellow Dr Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi, a resident from the District Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir, bade goodbye to fellow members of ISDEV as his flight home to Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan has been scheduled on 17th June, 2009.

Dr Abdul Fatah delivers his farewell words to Dr Abdul Hameed, witnessed (from left to right) by Ustaz Zul-kifli, Dr Zakaria and Dr Mohamad Zaini
A highly prolific researcher and academician Dr Abbasi, who was awarded the Post Doctoral Fellowship by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, started his post doctoral at ISDEV on 18th September, 2009. Amongst the activities carried out by Dr Abbasi was his Post Doctoral Research work on “Contemporary Methodologies in Tafseer” under the supervision of Professor Dr. Muhammad Syukri Salleh.
Dr Abdul Hameed receiving one of his certificates of achievement at ISDEV from ISDEV Director Professor Muhammad Syukri Salleh
Regarding the Director of ISDEV as his supervisor, Dr Abdul Hameed mentioned that he was indeed blessed to have the ideal supervisor in the world whom he regarded as a man of wisdom, man of principles and a man of excellent manners. What amazed him was the adaptability of Professor Muhammad Syukri to be a teacher when a teacher is needed, to be a brother and friend when a confidante is needed and a mursyid when guidance is much sought after.
Dr Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi felt that “ISDEV was like paradise” to him on earth, affirmed that the research atmosphere provided by ISDEV was very ideal indeed. This was further enhanced by a first-rate Masjid Al-Malik Khalid and first-class library facilities. He further supported this assertion by stating that the people at ISDEV were all very lovely, loving and very cooperative indeed.
Besides being fully engaged in his research, within these nine months at ISDEV, Dr Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi accomplished to produce six research articles in the field of Tafseer and Hadith. Two of these articles have been published whilst the remaining four articles are due for publications in Lahore and India soon.
In addition to these activities, Dr Abdul Hameed also presented a total of 18 seminars on Quranic Arabic which was duly attended by ISDEV members. He also proved to be an attentive and active participant in the seminars organized by ISDEV such as the seminars on Hadith Methodologies and Sciences, Methodologies of Tafseer al-Quran and Reserach Methodology at ISDEV.
Dr Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi mentioned that he would definitely miss the chillies which were sweet in Malaysia. He deduced that the reasons behind Malaysians being polite and sweet people could be most likely attributable to the consumption of these sweet tasting chillies.
Before parting and flying back to his hometown, Dr Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi has the following reminders to fellow members of ISDEV as his parting words:-
“Obey Allah, cling strongly to Islamic values, read and follow the Quran, respect others and do not create problems for other people or Allah will create problems for you in this life and in the hereafter. And remember to tawakkal ‘ala Allah!”
Dr Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi with some of ISDEV members on his last day at USM