ISDEV is now hosting its third post-doctoral fellow from abroad. The two previous fellows were Dr Lala Kolopaking from Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) and Dr Irsyad Lubis from Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), both from Indonesia.
Now, beginning 21 March 2008, ISDEV is having Dr Muhammad Abdullah from Department of Islamic Studies, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. He will be with ISDEV for a duration of one year, until February 2009.
A scholar in Hadith, Dr Abdullah is carrying out a research entitled
The Doubts Of Orientalists on Authenticity of Hadith And Its Impact On The Movement of Negation of Hadith In The Sub-Continent.
He is also conducting a Study Series of 12 lectures on
Hadith Methodology for Beginners at 3.00 to 4.30 pm on every fourth Tuesday of every month at ISDEV. The Study Series is opened to all.