On Tuesday 25 September 2007, Teratai Room at Chancellory was packed with more than 40 ISDEV members and friends attending ISDEV Annual Iftar. Guests of honour were Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato' Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs and Development) Associate Professor Dr Omar Osman and Dean of the School of Social Sciences Associate Professor Dr Ismail Baba.
The occasion was an annual occasion organized in every Ramadhan of the year. It began with iftar (breaking of fast), followed by maghrib prayer, dinner, isyak prayer and finally by tarawih prayer led by ISDEV Fellow Associate Professor Haji Sibly Maros and assisted by ISDEV Research Associate Zubir Idris.
ISDEV is grateful to the organising committee led by Dr Zakaria Bahari and thankful to generous donors who made this occasion possible.