As scheduled, the ISDEV Lecture Series IV was successfully held on 1 August 2007. The lecture on
Economic Jihad by Tan Sri Dato' Muhammad Ali Hashim, the CEO of JCorp, was heard by a packed audience, amounting to about 600 persons altogether.
The lecture was coorganized by ISDEV and the Islamic Religious Council of the State of Penang (MAINPP). Amongst the VIPs attended at the lecture were MAINPP Head YB Sahabuddin Yahaya and Deputy President of Islamic Trade Hall of Malaysia Dato' Seri Mohd Yusoff Latiff.
Tan Sri Dato' Muhammad Ali began his lecture by defining the concept of and explaining the relationship between economic and business jihad, followed by a discussion on four main issues. The first was on the pertinent role of business jihad in the struggle of the ummah; the second on the business jihad as a means to face the challenge of `westoxication'; the third on the corporate waqf as a main strategy of business jihad; and finally on the fulfillment of the criteria of jihad and measurement of business success.
Some of the scenery of the ISDEV Lecture are as follows.